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The Purpose of an Advisor

The advisor serves as a resource. The advisor is an educator, helping students to learn by doing by providing leadership. The advisor provides a sense of direction for the organization and promotes student and faculty/staff interaction in and out of the classroom. Additionally, the advisor supports risk mitigation through on-going support of student leaders and attendance at high-risk organization sponsored events.

Eligibility and Continued Service

An advisor must be a full-time faculty or a staff member at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Hospital personnel cannot serve as a registered student organization advisor. National headquarters, national organization staff, or paid campus ambassadors cannot serve in place of a faculty/staff advisor.

Advisors are expected to be actively involved in the affairs of their organizations. The selection of a particular person as an advisor is the choice of the organization and is by mutual agreement of both parties. After agreeing, the advisor must complete the Advisor Verification Form on Engage to make their role official.

If the advisor plans to take a leave of absence, it is the responsibility of the organization to find a temporary replacement for the time in which the advisor will be absent. Each semester, the student organization is responsible for connecting with their advisor to confirm their continued support.

If you are eligible based on the criteria above and interested in becoming a student organization advisor, please complete the Student Organization Advisor Interest Form. The purpose of this form is to maintain an accurate and updated list of prospective student organization advisors. If you already advise a student organization and want to continue to do so, you do not need to complete this form. This form is only for those wishing to connect with an organization seeking a new advisor. By completing this form, you are not agreeing to take on an advisory role. The student organization will be responsible for connecting with you and seeking your support, allowing you an opportunity to learn more about their organization and expectations.

Interest Form

Expectations of an Advisor

For an advisor to be effective, it is very important that they be kept informed as to the operation and needs of the organization. It is the responsibility of the student leaders to see that the advisor receives all minutes of meetings and is kept abreast of the program, upcoming events and meetings. Advisors are a resource for Student Organizations and students should utilize them when looking for support with a process or issue. The Office of Student Involvement and Leadership staff serves in a general advisory role to organizations and advisors as need and particular questions arise.