How do I manage my personal profile?
The User Drawer is where you can access the tools that are specific to you! Here you’ll be able to access your event pass, see your past involvement history, complete unfinished submissions and update your personal profile. To access the User Drawer, click on your initial or photo in the top right of the screen. A panel will appear on the right side of the page. Continue reading to learn what each menu option offers.
Tool Description Account Update/edit your basic profile with user information and an image. Update your privacy and notification settings here, too. Event Pass Access and save your event pass for mobile check-ins. Paths View your progress in your co-curricular paths and self-complete any available path items. My Event History View past events you have attended, mark yourself as an attendee at select events, and leave reflections on your event attendance. My Memberships View your current and past memberships, leave reflections on memberships, and submit past membership requests. Experiences Submit new experience requests and check the progress of experience submissions. Service Hours View a summary of the service hours you have completed and submit new service hours tied to an organization. Involvement Resume View, customize, and save your Involvement Resume Submissions Finish incomplete submissions and check the status of event, form, and registration submissions. Notifications View your in-system notifications. Downloads Access any downloads you have requested. Get Ready to Vote You can click here to get connected to democratic processes in your area. -
Can I edit my privacy settings?
As part of your profile, you are able to set and change your privacy settings, both for Engage as a whole, and for the organizations that you are a member of. Your privacy settings are divided into two sections, Community Directory Settings and Organization Roster Settings. Once logged in, these settings can be accessed by accessing your User Drawer in the top right corner, clicking Account, and then click the Privacy Settings tab.
Organization Roster Settings
These settings are located at the bottom of the page below the Community Directory Settings.
From here you will be able to select whether or not you wish to include your name in the roster for each group you join. The default status for any memberships that are not set by the users will be determined by the institution administrator's preferences.
Note: Memberships will never be shown to the public without your express consent. -
How do we update our organization’s information or profile picture?
To make changes to an organization page, you must be either the primary contact or hold an officer position within the group that has been assigned access to administrative features. If you are looking to contact someone that can make changes to a page you are a member of, you can find contact information on the Roster page for your organization.
Editing information about your organization
If you have permissions to make changes to your organization, edit your organization's details by going to the Action Center for your organization, opening up the org tool drawer and selecting About.
Here you will be able to update your organization summary, contact information, social media information and profile picture. If you are adding links to social media pages, make sure they set to public. If you are adding a Facebook link, make sure it's a group page. Links to personal profiles will not display on your page. You can also update any additional fields requested by your campus's administrators. When you're done making changes, click Update to save.
How do I re-register my organization?
You can view which of your organizations might be up for registration by accessing your Action Center for the organization. To access Action Center, click the Switchboard Icon on the top right hand corner of your Engage community and click "Manage".
From your Action Center home page, you will see a list of your organizations. From here, there are two ways you can go about re-registering your organization.
Select a single organization to view
Click the name of an organization to navigate to the management section for that organization. If the organization is eligible for registration, you will see the following message:Click "Re-Register this organization" to start the re-registration process.
View re-registration eligibility of all organizations
On your Action Center homepage, select the "Register an Organization" button on the right hand side.On the next screen, you'll be shown a list of all the organizations on your campus. Locate your organization by scrolling through using the "Next" button. If your organization is eligible for re-registration, you will see the blue "Re-Register" button to the right of the org. You may also see that an existing submission is already in progress for your organization.
When you are finished, hit Submit to submit your re-registration for approval.
How can I view my submitted registration(s)?
After you have submitted an organization submission to your campus administrators, you can go back and view your submission, see if it has been approved or denied, or finish incomplete submissions.
To access your registration submission, click on your photo or initial in the top right corner of the site, select Submissions, and then select Organization Registrations.
All of your organization registration requests are listed on this page.
How do I create a form for my organization?
If you are a student or a user looking to build a form for your organization, navigate to your organization's Action Center and select the Forms tool from the organization tool drawer. Then, click +Create Form button at the top of the page. Please note, you must have officer/positional access to Forms in order to do this. If you do not see this option, please contact your organization’s president and ask them to grant you access to create forms.
Basic form properties
When creating a form, you will first be prompted to identify your form properties. Enter a name for your form and then fill out the additional settings. See below for an explanation of each setting.Setting Function Active Determine if the form should be accessible yet. If the active option is not chosen, then users will not be able to complete the form. Leaving "Active" unchecked allows you to work on a form before making it live to your users. Start/end time The time period for which the form should be open. Submissions will only be accepted during this time period. Allow Anonymous Submissions for Public Users This setting is only available for administrative forms. Enabling this option means anyone, including those who do not have an account in your community, is able to fill out the form. If you enable this setting, “allow multiple submissions” will be disabled because there is no method to limit respondents to one submission. Allow Multiple Submissions Users can submit more than one submission. If this option is not selected, users will be restricted from the form after one submission. Submission Restrictions Determine if you want to restrict the form to certain users. If you’re creating this form at the administrative level, you have the option to restrict the form to primary contacts in specific organization types. If you create this form in an organization, you can restrict the form to users within your organization that hold a specific position. If you want to make your form available to any user in your community, do not select any submission restrictions. Building your form
After you determine the settings for your form, you’ll be taken to the form builder and you will land on the first page of your form. At any time, you can jump back into the settings by clicking Form Properties in the top right of the page. In addition, you can jump to additional pages of the form by clicking Page List in the top left. To name the page, click Page Properties in the top right. The name of each page will be visible to users filling out the form.When you’re ready to start adding questions into the form, take a look at the list of question types that are available to you. Each of these question types serve a unique purpose. See below for a complete explanation of each. Note that any time you add a question to your form or change a setting, these changes will save in real time.
Question Type Function Check Box List Multiple choice question that allows users to choose more than one option. Radio Button List Multiple choice question that only allows users to select one option. Text Field Open text response. Alter the number of rows to provide the user a larger space to write in for longer answers. You can also use the Text Field question to utilize validation, ensuring a specific format is entered. Drop Down List Multiple choice question where users can only choose one option. The only difference between the dropdown and radio button options is that the user has to click the dropdown to view the available choices. Instructions This is your method of providing additional instructions or information to the user. Instructions do not require any action on the part of the user. Single Check Box Think of this as a method to provide the user a set of terms and conditions that they need to agree to before they can proceed on the form. You can input the terms that need to be agreed upon and the user will be provided a single check box to confirm their agreement. Ranking Provide the user multiple answer choices for them to rank. You can also determine the maximum number of items they need to rank. File Upload Allow the user to upload a file from their computer. Files must be under 4 MB and the uploader accepts most file types. If you prefer a specific file type, make sure to indicate this within the instructions of the question. For each of the question types, you also have additional question options. Once you have created a question, click on the blue Edit icon within the question to view its additional options.
Potential options and their descriptions are below.
Question Setting Function Required Select the "Required" box if you want the question to be mandatory for users before proceeding. This option is available for all question types. Shuffle Answers For Check Box List and Radio Button List question types, you can choose to shuffle your answers. For example, if you input an alphabetical list but want the answer choices to appear random, you can shuffle them. Note: This will not shuffle the answers every time a different user fills out the form. Minimum and maximum answers If you are utilizing the Check Box List, you can identify the minimum or maximum number of answers a user can select. You also have the ability to put additional properties on your answer choices for Check Box List, Radio Buttons, and Ranking question types.
Question Setting Function Include Text Area Text Area allows you to provide additional space for users to write-in an answer. For example, you may want to include an "Other" option to a multiple choice question, but want users to write-in their additional option. Include Tooltip The tooltip allows you to hover over the answer choice to read additional information about it. The additional information will appear automatically next to the answer choice. Include Additional Text Similar to the tooltip, Additional Text allows you to put in additional information about an answer choice. The difference between the two is in how the information appears. With Additional Text, an information icon appears next to the answer choice. Clicking that icon will open up a box with the additional information. Validation
Form creators can also ensure responses follow a particular format, including phone number, date, time and e-mail address, using a validation setting. When you select the “Text Entry” question type within forms, select the check box next to the "Pattern". Then, choose how you would like that particular question to be validated using the dropdown menu. Your pattern options and their validation descriptions are listed below:Pattern Validation Setting State (US) Enter a valid state abbreviation. Zip Code (US) Enter a valid zip code. Phone Enter a valid phone number in one of the following formats: (425) 555-0123, 425-555-0123, 425 555 0123, OR 1-425-555-0123. E-mail Address Enter a valid email address. Date Enter a date in the following format: 12/12/2001 Decimal Number Enter a positive number. Integer Range 1-150 Enter a number from 1 - 150. Time of Day Enter a time between 12:00 and 11:59. Postal Code (Canada) Postal Code (Canada) Enter a valid Canada postal code. URL Enter a valid URL. Submitters who do not enter an answer in the correct format will be prompted with information about the required format.
Publishing and Managing Submissions
After creating the form and configuring the settings, you’re ready to publish. This is your method of distributing the form to your users. Navigate back to your full list of forms, whether in an organization or on the administrative side of the site. To the right of your form you will see the Publish option.Make sure your form is Active and copy the URL provided in the text box. You’ll need to click Publish Form if you changed the status. Next, distribute the form link to whomever should complete it. As you start receiving submissions, you’ll receive notifications assuming you added yourself under the Notifications tab.
How do I add Form question logic?
Adding form logic is easy. The form builder utilizes page logic which means you can present the submitter a page of questions based on their answers to questions earlier in the form.
Question logic is a feature within Engage forms that allows form creators to present users a page of questions based on their responses to previous questions within the form. To set up logic, jump into the form you are building and from the list of pages, click on the page for which you’d like to apply logic. This is the page that should be shown if certain conditions are met. Note: You cannot apply conditions to the first page of a form.
If you’re looking at the page that you want to apply conditions, click Page Properties in the top right.This will generate a pop-up. Select the Conditions tab then click the blue +Add Condition button. Next, click Select Question. Your available options are all questions that exist in the form prior to the page you’re currently viewing. After you choose a question, pick an answer choice (or simply the name of the question if it is not a multiple choice question), and then complete the logic statement (i.e. show the page if the answer choice to this question is selected). Your selection here determines the type of response you're looking for in order for this page of the form to populate.
After you complete one condition, you can add more conditions. If you choose to add another condition, you’ll notice an “AND” dropdown appear. This determines how your conditions will be combined. For example, if you stick with “AND,” both of the conditions you set up have to be met in order for the page to be display. If you switch this to “OR,” only one of the conditions listed will have to be met in order for the page to display.
Example: There’s a club on campus that requires every member to re-register their membership each school year. On this application, they’d like to include the ability to apply for an officer position, but not everyone is eligible. In order to apply, the student must be a senior or have served at least 50 volunteer hours with a GPA of 3.0.
To implement this logic, the club must first create a form page for officer applications. Next, set up the logic as such: the student is a senior OR the student has at least 50 volunteer hours AND the student has a GPA higher than 3.0. This means that the applicant will see the officer application only if they are a senior or have at least 50 volunteer hours with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
The last option within the logic piece is the ability to group your conditions. If you choose to group conditions, you can isolate a group of conditions so they are treated as one. To do this, click the checkbox next to each condition you want to group then click the Group Selected button. On the right side of the page, you can determine if you want the page to display if the group comes out as true (the conditions are met) or false.Reviewers
When you are done building your form, you can identify who needs to be have access to give feedback on form submissions.
How can my organization post a News post?
The News tool allows you to keep your members up-to-date on all of your latest news. With a format similar to a blog, members can view a quick summary of the most recent news or drill down to view the full contents of each post. To view News in your organization, navigate to your organization's public page and scroll until you see News posts listed.
Creating a news article
To create a News Article, navigate to the Action Center for the org by clicking "Manage Organization" in the top right hand corner of the organization page.Open up the organization tool drawer and click "News." Click the blue +Create Article button to get started. The first questions on the page will ask for a title, summary, and the content of the article. Next, you'll see some additional settings like the headline image. This image will appear in the news ticker next to your summary, as well as at the top of your article. Upload the image by clicking Choose File and then select the image you wish to include.
After the header is the visibility settings. This allows you to determine who can see your news post. You have a few options as far as this goes:
- The Public
- Anyone On Campus (Requires Authentication)
- Only People on the Organization Roster
- Only Organization Members in Specific Positions
When you're finished, hit Save at the bottom to create your post. Your article will automatically post to your organization’s wall and if shared community wide, to the community-wide news listing.
How can we use the Event Check-In to track attendance at our organization’s event?
Using the mobile app
First, download the Campus Labs Event Check-in App. Once you’ve downloaded the app, open it up! The first screen will ask you to enter an event access code. This code is provided after you create an event within Engage. If you haven’t created an event, you’ll need to do this first before you can use the app to track attendance.
To locate the code, navigate to the event through the Action Center. The access code should appear in the bottom right of the screen once you click on the appropriate event.
Enter the code into the mobile app, tap Start Session, and you’ll be prompted to sign in. Type in your credentials (your engage login) and you’ll be directed to the event’s check-in page.Tap Start Scanning and you’re ready to scan! If your phone asks for permission to use your camera, choose “yes” because it will need the camera in order to scan event passes. Position the edges of the box over the edges of an attendee’s Event Pass. As soon as it recognizes the user, it will display a box with their basic details, including their RSVP status. Tap Check In to confirm the user and click OK to continue scanning.
If you come across an attendee without a mobile pass, tap No Pass? below the scanning area or select Lookup from the bottom menu. Search for the attendee by name or email and when you find the right person, tap their name to confirm their check-in. If searching by email, you will need to enter the complete email address of the user to locate them. If the attendee is not in the system, you can add them by email if you click the plus sign in the top right of the screen, type in their email address and submit.
At any point, you can toggle between scanning passes and the attendee list. Tap Attendees in the bottom right of the screen to view the full list of attendees. If you need to remove someone from this list, tap on their name, swipe left then select Remove.
Final Steps
When you’re done tracking attendance, there are no additional steps required. You can close the app and all of your attendance information will be saved. While not required, you can end your check-in session if you tap on your profile picture in the top left of the screen, then select End Session. You’ll also find a feedback option on this page. Please send along any questions, comments or ideas to our Support Team! -
How do I download my Event Pass?
Your Event Pass is a unique code that allows you to quickly check-in to events happening on campus using the Campus Labs® Event Check-in App. If you’re attending an event that requires a pass, continue reading to learn how to pull up your Event Pass. If you’re hosting an event, you can use the Campus Labs® Event Check-in App to track attendance.
Access your Event Pass in Engage
Start by signing in to your Engage community. Next, click on your profile picture in the top right of the screen (it may display your first initial if you do not have a profile picture).If you’re viewing the Event Pass from your mobile browser, you should see the option to add the pass to your Apple Wallet or Android Pay. These options make it easier to access your Event Pass at a later date. You can also choose to take a screenshot of your pass or print it. All of these options will still scan as expected. Once you’ve decided on how to store your Event Pass, get out there and attend an event!
How does my organization and our members submit service hours?
As an officer of your organization who has full access to manage the Service Hours tool, you also have the ability to submit service hours on behalf of other organization members. To do so, go to the Action Center for your organization and select the Service Hours tool from the org tool drawer. Click +Add Service Hours. This provides you a different form with the ability to tie the submission to any member of your organization. Fill in the required and/or optional information and click Create. Service hours submitted by officers will be automatically approved.
Submitting service hours from your user profile
You also have the option to submit service hours from your user profile, which may serve to be a better option if you are submitting service hours for multiple organizations in one sitting. To submit with this method, access your user drawer and select Service Hours. All of your pending, approved, and denied service hours will display.Select the +Service Hours button at the top of the page, and select the organization from the drop-down menu you wish to associate service hours to. Complete the form with all the required information, and any optional fields you choose to add. Click Create to confirm your submission. These submissions will need to be approved by an organization officer or campus administrator.
How do I send a message/email to my organization?
Organization leaders with "All Access" to messaging have the ability to message the members of their organization. From this area messages can be composed and delivered to various combinations of organization members and officers. There are two criteria that student leaders can use to define the message recipients:
Criteria Examples Positions Primary Contact, Member, President, etc. Members Specific people within the organization By using these pieces of criteria, an administrator can send a message to the holding certain [positions] and/or these specific [members]. Student Leaders can also send messages to all members of their organization, excluding specific individuals as appropriate.
Creating a message using email
From your organization's Action Center, head to Roster in the org tool drawer.Click on the Messaging link in the upper right corner, followed by Create Relay on the page that loads.
Select the positions or individual members that you would like to send the message to by selecting Edit... within each component.
Enter a title for your relay to identify it later (this does not carry over to your message). When you're finished, click Generate.
On the new page, take the Temporary Relay Address (email address in blue text), open a new email in your preferred email account (e.g., Outlook), and add this into the "To" field. Then, just compose and send your message as normal!
Remember that messages are sent within the system and then out to an e-mail address if the user has not opted out of receiving messages via e-mail in their notification settings. -
How can I create an organization election?
Organization officers have the ability to create elections within their organizations, either for the entire community to vote on, or exclusive to organization members. To create an organization-based election, follow the instructions below.
Defining Election Parameters
Head to the Action Center for your organization, and then click on Elections in the organization tool drawer. If you do not see this tool, either you do not have access to manage this tool for your organization, or the tool has been disabled by your campus administrators. From here, click the Create Election button. Identify the Name of the election, if it should include instructions, and any additional (custom) instructions that should be included.Below that, you can choose if your election should be active and the date range your election should be available. When the election is set to Active and it falls within the date range, users will be allowed to access the ballot. You can also choose to display an alert on the organization homepage when the election is active and voting is open by checking the next box. The last option is whether or not to allow users outside your organization should be allowed to vote in the election. Checking the box will limit it to users within your organization roster.
When you're finished with these settings, hit Create.Setting up the ballots
You can create as many ballots as needed. Each ballot can be accessible to the general user population or any number of eligibility lists. A user will see each ballot they are designated to see. To start creating your ballots, click Create Ballot.Enter the name of your ballot, then determine if the ballot should be general access by selecting Enable or Disable. If you select Disable, you'll be prompted to enter settings for each of the available eligibility lists.
Eligibility lists are set up by campus administrators and are shared to organizations. If you are not seeing an eligibility list that you expect to see, contact your campus administrator.Setting Definition Allow Users on the list can access the ballot Deny Users cannot access the ballot, and supersedes being on an allowed list Ignore List will not be used for the ballot, users cannot access the ballot Once you're fine with your eligible users access, click Create to advance to the next page. You'll now be taken to the form builder with a limited selection of question types. Please see Form Building for complete instructions on creating or editing questions. The builder will automatically save your progress as you create questions. At any time, you can revise the title and access of your ballot by clicking Form Properties in the upper right corner.
When you're finished, click Back to Ballots in the upper left corner. Repeat this for any additional ballots you need to create within the same election. Once all your ballots are ready, be sure to set your election to Active to ensure users can vote when the election starts and the prompt to vote will display on your organization homepage, if requested. -
How do I assign an officer a position?
To edit who holds various positions within your organization, navigate to your organization's Action Center and click on the Roster tool.
On the Roster page, find the user for whom you would like to add, change, or remove a position. Click the edit button under Positions to the far right of that user's name. A list of all available positions will populate. Click the check box next to the position you would like to add or remove from that user, and then select Save. The user's permissions within the organization will be updated based on the positions they hold. -
How do I create an officer position for my organization?
Every organization is unique, and you might find that your organization has its own specific position titles that you want to create in your organization's site. To create new positions for your organization, navigate to the Action Center for your organization site and click on the Roster tool.
Keep in mind you will need the appropriate level of access to manage the Roster in order to create new positions. From the Roster menu, click Manage Positions. A list of all the current positions available for your organization will be listed. Some of these may have been created by the organization, while others may be site-wide positions created by your campus administrators.
To create a new position, click +Position at the top of the page. Give the position a name. Keep in mind the name should be of the position itself, not of the user who will eventually hold this position in your organization. You then need to assign the Position to the position type that is most appropriate. These types are determined by your system administrators. Check the box next to "show holders of this position on the organization's roster" if you want the user holding that position to be visible on the roster page of your organization. If you want the position to be available for users to hold immediately, select "Active." If this is not checked, the position will only be available as a past position.
Finally, you will need to set the management access for this position. Users who fill positions with "No access" will not be able to manage any tools within the organization. "All access" allows position holders to manage every tool within the organization's site - these are the users who will have the most power within your organization. Limited access allows you to select the level of access the position should have for each tool within the organization site. See below for information about what each level of access will allow for each tool.
Tool None View Full Registration Forms Cannot view registration form submissions. Can view the organization's registration submission, but cannot edit it. Can edit and resubmit the organization's registration form. Documents Only able to see documents that have been shared publicly or with that user's position. Able to view all documents, but cannot edit, delete, or create them. Has full access to documents, including the ability to create, edit, and delete them. Messaging Does not have access to the messaging tool, but will receive messages sent to them. Can view messages sent from the organization but cannot create new message relays. Has full access to send message relays to members of the organization Events Only able to see events that have been shared publicly, within their organization, or ones they have been invited to. Able to view all event details and submissions, but cannot edit, delete, or create them. Has full access to events, including the ability to edit and delete them, manage invitations, manage event attendance, and submit event requests. Finance Cannot access the finance tab. Can view transactions and requests, but cannot edit or create them. Can submit purchase and funding requests on behalf of the organization. Wall Can view and contribute to the wall. Can view and contribute to the wall. Can view and contribute to the wall. Roster Can view the public roster of members but has no management access for the roster or Positions. Can view all members of the organization, organization created positions, but cannot make edits to the roster or create new organization positions. Can manage the roster, including the ability to create and edit positions, invite members, and approve memberships. Profile Can only see the basic profile of the organization. Can view the full organization's profile but cannot update it. Can edit the organization's profile. News Only able to see news posts that have been shared publicly or with the organization. Able to view all news posts, but cannot edit, delete, or create posts. Has full access to news, including the ability to create, edit, and delete posts. Forms Only able to see forms that have been shared publicly or with that user's position. Able to view all forms, but cannot edit, delete, or create them. User can also view form submissions but cannot approve or deny them. Has full access to forms, including the ability to create, edit, and delete forms and manage form submissions. Photos Only able to see photo galleries that have been shared publicly or with that user's position. Able to view all photo galleries, but cannot edit, delete, or create them. Able to manage all photo galleries, including the ability to edit, delete, and create them. Service Hours Able to see their own service hours and submit service hours for review. Able to see service hours submitted by any user, but cannot approve or deny them. Able to view all service hours for all users and make decisions about approving and denying service hours. Elections Only able to see elections that have been shared publicly or with that user's position. Able to view all elections and election results, but cannot edit, delete, or create them. Able to create, edit, and delete elections and view results. When you are finished determining the level of access for the position, click Create. Once the position has been created, it may take a few minutes before it can be assigned to a member. If you do not see the position immediately, give the system a few minutes while the position is being generated.
How do I create an event?
Only primary contacts and positions with full access over events can create events within an organization. If you do not have the proper permissions, you'll want to talk to your primary contact or email
getinvolved@uab.edu in order to request the required access.
From within your organization's Action Center, go to Events in the organization tool menu.Click on Create Event in the upper right corner. Enter an event title, theme, description, start and end time and location into their respective boxes. Required fields are marked by the red asterisk at their start.
You can add up to 18 different times/locations within one event submission. Upon approval, each instance of the event you created will become its own event that can be individually edited or changed. Click "Add Another Date" to create a recurring event.
You can also choose whether to include a helpful map, courtesy of Google Maps, to your event details page.
Select the appropriate Category from the drop-down menu, if applicable. Next, choose who is able to RSVP, and the perks (special benefits for your attendees) available at your event using their respective drop-down menus.Finally, fill out any additional information required by your institution, and click Next. You can now choose to add an image to your event by clicking Choose File and adding an image that you feel will draw attention to your event. We recommend a photo that is 1024px by 600px or larger, under 10MB and of one of the mentioned formats (JPG, JPEG, GIF or PNG). The image will run through an image re-sizer, so the larger, the better! If you choose not to upload a photo, a default photo will be chosen for you based on the theme of your event.
When you're ready, advance using Next or Skip. You will be prompted at this time to complete additional information. Fill out the rest of the form and submit.
How do I update my faculty/staff advisor in Engage?
There are two steps to updating your Engage account to reflect the new organizational advisor.
1. If you have permissions to make changes to your organization, edit your organization's details by going to the Action Center for your organization, opening up the org tool drawer, and selecting About.Here you will be able to update your organization summary, contact information, social media information and profile picture. There will be a question at the bottom of this page that asks for your organization’s advisor and president. You can make the changes needed here.
2. Now, let’s update your roster. To edit who holds various Positions within your organization, navigate to your organization's Action Center and click on the Roster tool.
On the Roster page, find the user (your advisor in this case) for whom you would like to add, change, or remove a Position. Click the edit button under Positions to the far right of that user's name. A list of all available Positions will populate. Click the check box next to the “Faculty/Staff Advisor” position, and then select Save. The user's permissions within the organization will be updated based on the Positions they hold.