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The Office of Student Involvement and Leadership encourages UAB student organizations to maintain operations by utilizing virtual tools for organization success. This website outlines various resources to support organization officers looking for creative ways to engage members in an online environment.

Community is critical when operating virtually, and UAB’s student organization community exceeds 350 student organizations. Organization leaders are invited to join the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership monthly for Student Organization Leaders Unite. These sessions are designed to provide a space for student leaders to share challenges, exchange ideas, and promote community. Student Organization Leaders Unite is hosted via Zoom the first Tuesday night of each month at 5:00 p.m. Participants can RSVP to participate, allowing them to submit questions, concerns, or ideas for discussion. To RSVP, search “Student Organization Leaders Unite” on Engage.

Engage is one of the primary tools for virtual organization success. Use the tabs to access resources directly relevant to your organization’s needs. Many of these videos are quick tutorials for officers looking to make better use of this virtual, engagement platform. If you have additional questions about virtual management and resources, please contact getinvolved@uab.edu