Explore UAB

    • What are the typical hours?

      General Camp Hours are 9am-4pm. General drop-off starts at 8:30am and general pick-up ends at 4:30pm.

    • What are the hours for Before and After Care?

      Before Care starts at 7:30am and After Care ends at 5:30pm. Before/After Care are an additional $5/day each.

    • What if I need to pick up my child between the hours of 9:00am-4:00pm?

      Due to building and safety concerns, we have to lock the back doors during camp hours so we can monitor everyone coming and leaving the facility. Unfortunately, you will need to find parking and enter through the front of the building. We know parking is an issue in the urban setting so we highly recommend coming during out set drop-off and pick-up times. Please understand that this will take longer to get the camper from or to the front desk as we do not know when someone will be late or early for their child.

    • Will my child be with other kids their age?

      Yes, the camp groups are separated by age range during Summer Camps. There are typically 4 groups are made up of approximately 25 campers and the typical age ranges are 5yr-6yr, 7yr-8yr, 9yr-10yr, and 10yr-12 yr.

      Day camps differ due to the volume of children being tremendously lower, but if the day camps are split up, we do this by age also.

    • Where is the pick-up and drop-off area located?

      If you are dropping off and picking up your camper during the designated times (7:30-9:00am & 4:00-5:30pm), then you will go to the pull through area located directly behind the rec center (more detailed directions in Parent/Guardian Manual). During the designated times, we will have counselors in the back working the carline so you will not have to park or get out of your car.

    • What should my child wear to camp?

      We suggest athletic shoes or sandals with back straps, so they can walk/run comfortably. Please dress weather appropriately, we will be going outside (weather permitting). If a skirt/dress is being worn, they need to have shorts worn underneath in order to participate in the rock-climbing portion of the day.

    • Can I bring my child for partial summer camp weeks?

      Priority enrollment goes to full-week camp enrollments. We only allow partial registration once registration is closed and we have not reached camper capacity for the upcoming week.

    • How do I contact my child during camps?

      You can call our membership staff who will then radio the camp staff to relay messages or have the camper come to the front to speak directly to you. Our membership number is 996-5038

    • How do I get in contact with the camp director during camp hours?

      Typically the camp director is roaming throughout the facility from group to group checking on camps. You may call the membership staff at 996-5038 who can radio the camp director

    • What does my child need to bring every day?

      They will need a packed lunch, water bottle, bathing suit, and a towel. Some campers also bring goggles and sunscreen that they would like to use.

    • What are campers not allowed to bring?

      We do not allow camper to bring toys/electronics of any kind! They get lost, cause distractions, and deters them from wanting to participate. We kindly ask parents to keep any toys/electronics in the car or at home.

    • Does my child need to bring sunscreen or apply it before coming?

      If they will need sunscreen, feel free to apply it beforehand or let a counselor know at drop-off that your child will need it applied if you are packing it. We do not provide sunscreen due to certain allergies and recommend sending spray-style sunscreen.

    • Who are the camp counselors?

      All counselors are UAB College students ranging from 19 years old to 24 years old. Most of our counselors are majoring in degrees with interests in working with the youth. The counselors are all certified in CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer/Healthcare Provider with First Aid.

    • Are the camp counselors trained to handle injuries?

      All camp counselors and general staff are CPR/AED/First Aid certified.

    • How many camp counselors are there?

      The minimum ratio of staff to children will be 1 to 8. At no time are campers permitted to leave the group alone or wander into unauthorized areas of the facility or adjacent areas, unless under the supervision of a counselor.

    • Will food be provided?

      Lunch will not be provided, please pack your camper a lunch and snack for the day.

    • Can I come eat lunch with my camper?

      Since we only allow members or program participants through the turnstiles, we ask that you check your camper out and have lunch in the lobby of the building or somewhere off site. You can check the camper back in once you are done.

    • What are the prices for attending camps?

      For Summer camps and full-week day camps: UAB Affiliates $175/week and Non-Affiliates $195/week.

      For single day camps during the Fall and Spring season, the cost is $40/day for Affiliates and $50/day for Non-Affiliates.

    • Am I considered a UAB Affiliate?

      If you are any of the following, you are considered an Affiliate: UAB Faculty, UAB Staff, UAB Student, UAB Alumni, or a Colleague Employee (VA, Children's Hospital, Sodexo, Capstone, First Transit, Cooper Green, Horizons, Southern Research Institute, Pyramid Hotel Group)

    • How much is the needed deposit?

      A deposit of 25% of the total balance per child/per week is due at the time of registration, in order to hold a child’s spot in each week of camp. The amount will be applied towards the total due for each session of camp. The deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable.

    • How/when are the payments for camps drafted?

      When making a deposit, our staff will save your card information to our system. One week prior to the camp’s start date, we will charge your card the remainder of your camp balance. If you paid in full, then you will not be charged the week prior.

    • If we can no longer attend, how can I be refunded?

      Refund requests received 7 or more days prior to the first day of camp are eligible for a full refund minus the 25% deposit. Refund requests received fewer than 7 days prior to the first day of camp are eligible for a 50% refund of the total amount paid. You must fill out the refund request located on our website. For more information and details for our camp refund policy, please visit the camp portion of our website: Youth Programming- Camps


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