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Instructor, Course Developer with the UAB Physics Online Education Program ancal1@uab.edu
ESH 4141
(205) 934-8186

Research and Teaching Interests: Physics education research, eLearning applied to Physics Education, teaching and developing new online courses for the UAB Physics Department on-line course program, developing new online physics laboratories

Office Hours: : T/Th 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


  • B.S., University of Bucharest, Physics
  • M.S., University of Bucharest, Physics
  • Ph.D., University of South Carolina, Physics

Dr. Anca Lungu received her Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina. Her research expertise lays in the field of condensed matter physics and material sciences with emphases on superconductivity and magnetism.

Her graduate work involved theoretical and experimental techniques focused on the development and the characterization of new superconducting nanostructured materials.

As a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Magnetic Microscopy Center at the University of Minnesota, Dr. Anca Lungu’s work focused on magnetic force microscopy studies of single crystal ferromagnetic thin films and of the magnetic reversal of single domain particle chains isolated from magnetotactic bacteria.

Dr. Anca Lungu joined the Department of Physics at UAB in the fall of 2014 as an Instructor and currently, she is actively involved in the UAB Physics Online Education Project. Her interests are focused on physics education research and physics education on e-learning platforms.