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Professor mezvanut@uab.edu
ESH 4115
(205) 934-6661

Google Scholars Page

Research and Teaching Interests: Defects in Materials Used in Electronic and Optical Devices

Office Hours: M/W 5:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.


  • B.S., M.S., and Ph.D., Lehigh University, Physics
  • Post Doctoral, University of North Carolina; the Naval Research Laboratory

Outside of the traditional work environment, my interests focus on recreational activities such as boating, hiking and camping — in general, nature and the environment. While the fun side of me emphasizes the organic world, my career interests have focused on the inorganic world — specifically materials used to develop modern electronic and optical components. These interests have led to numerous presentations at local, national, and international conferences, taking me to countries from Iceland to Hawaii. Teaching, another significant part of my professional life, spans individual student mentoring to instruction in large lecture classes. My favorite courses to teach are electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, and solid state physics. 

Dr. Zvanut invites new students to join her research projects, one of which is part of a consortium of universities focused on understanding fundamental phenomena in materials being developed for a resilient, smart electricity grid. For more information, visit the Ultra Energy Frontiers Research Center.