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Research Assistant Professor dmartych@uab.edu
ESH 4106
(205) 934-5318
Research Webpage

Research and Teaching Interests: Laser Spectroscopy, Molecular Sensing, Laser Physics, Nonlinear Optics, Solis-State Physics

Office Hours: By appointment


  • B.A., Novosibirsk State University, Russia
  • M.S., University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham

Dr. Martyshkin has received Ph.D. degree in physics for his work on biomedical application of Laser Spectroscopy in 2004. He has been working at the Department of Physics of the University of Alabama at Birmingham since 2006. He is currently a Research Assistant Professor and a scientist consulting IPG Photonics Corporation.

During recent years his research has been focused on physics of laser media based on IIVI semiconductor materials doped with transition metals (TM), as well as development of novel laser systems and devices for practical applications. Martyshkin has three patents, 82 publications, 14 oral presentations at internationally recognized conferences (such as Photonics West, CLEO and ASSL), and 45 contributed presentations.