General Preparation
Preparation for the study of dentistry requires a thorough knowledge of the basic biological and physical sciences and proficiency in communication skills. Social sciences and humanities are desirable electives. Students should consult their predental advisors early in their college careers for guidance in selecting courses of study. In addition, please review our minimum technical standards for admission and matriculation.
Predental Study
Undergraduate study at a regionally accredited institution is required and we strongly prefer a minimum of three academic years; however less than three academic years can be evaluated. A maximum of 60 semester hours earned at an accredited junior college is acceptable as partial fulfillment of this requirement. The last year of predental study must be completed at an accredited four-year degree-granting institution. Only those courses that carry credits toward a baccalaureate degree from the institution in which the candidate receives his or her predental instruction are acceptable.
Currently some colleges are developing new curricula, new grading systems, and modified entrance requirements, and some students may be admitted to college with advanced standing and therefore may be exempt from (CLEP) some elementary courses that are required for admission to dental school. Applications from students enrolled in such predental programs of study are considered; however, these students can qualify for admission only if the Admissions Committee is satisfied that these programs provide predental preparation at least equal to the minimum entrance requirements outlined in the section:
Pass/Fail grades are accepted but standard letter grades are preferred. Course prerequisites remain unchanged.
Specific Course Requirements
Biology (12 semester hours)
Twelve semester hours of general biology or zoology. Additional upper level human/animal biology courses are recommended. These courses may include cell biology, physiology, comparative anatomy, embryology, histology, human anatomy, microbiology and others.
Chemistry (16 semester hours)
Eight semester hours of general inorganic chemistry which includes qualitative analysis and laboratory work. Eight semester hours of organic chemistry with laboratory work. Biochemistry is recommended strongly.
Physics (8 semester hours)
Eight semester hours of physics. Mechanics, heat, light, sound, and electricity, with appropriate laboratory work, should be included in the courses.
Mathematics (6 semester hours)
Analytic geometry and differential and integral calculus are recommended.
Non-Science Courses (30 semester hours)
The requirement that at least 30 semester hours of non-science coursework be included in the predental program of study assures a broad general education which is the best preparation for a career in dentistry. Such non-science courses as English (six semester hours) and courses in the social sciences and humanities are recommended strongly to meet this requirement. Courses to enhance manual dexterity (sculpting, painting, etc.) also are encouraged.
All required courses must be taken within the last 5 years.
Physical education, military science, and similar courses are not acceptable as part of the minimum non-science requirements.
We will honor online courses and pass/fail courses due to the COVID-19 changes in instruction and grading.
All required courses must be taken within the last five years.
Questions Regarding Requirements
Your Academic Pre-Health Advisor at your college/university can best assist with course requirement questions.
Required letter from Pre-Health Committee or Advisor.* One reference letter from a dentist that you have shadowed is preferred, as well.
*For applicants who do not have such a system or for a student who has been out of school for a time, we will take a minimum of 2 letters from instructors, but no more than 3.
Shadowing Hours
UAB does not have a required number of shadowing hours - this is an individual decision, but it is very important that an applicant understands first hand what they will do as a dentist and has the opportunity to interact with various dental professionals. Shadowing should consist primarily of shadowing general dentists. Many recent applicants seem to shadow 50-100 hours, some do more. Massive numbers of hours are not needed for a competitive application.Shadowing/volunteer hours will be looked at on a case-by-case basis and will focus on consistency of experience rather than accumulation of hours.
Dental Admissions Testing Program
Each applicant is required to participate in the Dental Admission Testing (DAT) Program conducted by the Council on Dental Education of the American Dental Association (ADA) and to request that test results be sent to the UAB School of Dentistry Admissions Committee. Learn more about how to apply to take the DAT.
For more information on the DAT:
Division of Educational Measurements
American Dental Association211 East Chicago Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60611
(312) 440-2500
DAT application information is usually available at the applicant's undergraduate pre-health careers advisory office. Applicants are strongly advised to seek all available help from their pre-health advisor(s).
DAT test scores must be taken within the last 3 years.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many people apply each year?
Around 1,200.
How many people are accepted each year?
Approximately 84.
Are Alabama residents given preference?
Yes. As a public state institution, UAB SOD gives preference to in-state applicants.
Are out-of-state residents considered?
Yes. About 30% of our incoming class are out of state students.
- How is residency determined?
Are three college years enough to gain acceptance?
Technically yes. However, competitive applicants are earning or have earned an undergraduate degree.
What kind of GPA does the average accepted applicant present?
Typically, average overall GPA is a 3.78. Average Science GPA is a 3.72
Is the GPA the most important thing?
Academics are very important. UAB SOD uses a holistic application evaluation process that incudes non-academic as well
What is the average DAT score?
Typically its is around 21 Academic Average. 20 Total Science.
When should I take the DAT?
Most students take the DAT during their Junior year of college. We recommend that you work with your Academic/ Pre-Dental Advisor to determine the best time.
How will I know if I should retake the DAT?
We advise students with an 18 or below to retake the DAT
What other items are of importance to the Admissions Committee?
Letters of recommendation, personal statement, interview, general dentistry shadowing, community service, student involvement, and other experiences.
Do I need to get a job in a dental office to be considered?
If I get accepted, when will I hear?
December 15 is Dental Offer Day. Additional offers may be given after that date to complete the D1 class.
What is the difference between a D.M.D. degree and a D.D.S. degree?
D.M.D. (Doctor of Dental Medicine) and D.D.S. (Doctor of Dental Surgery) degrees are equivalent degrees. The University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry awards the D.M.D. degree.
How Do I Get An Application?
UAB School of Dentistry participates in the American Association of Dental Schools Application Service (AADSAS) application service. Through AADSAS, the applicant files only one application for admission to any of the participating dental schools. Extreme care should be exercised to make certain that the application form is filled out accurately and completely. Errors or omissions will delay processing. AADSAS will process the application for distribution to each of the participating schools designated by the applicant. Applicants will be required to pay an initial application fee through AADSAS upon submitting their application.
For more information on AADSAS:
1625 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036-2212Phone: (800) 353-2237 or (202) 667-9433
Fax: (202) 667-4963 - What courses count toward the requirements?
UAB School of Dentistry
SDB 125
1720 2nd Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35294-0007
Phone: (205) 934-3387
Fax: (205) 934-0209
American Dental Education Association
1400 K Street, NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (617) 612-2045 or (202) 289-7201
Fax: (202) 289-7204