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Tuition (per year) for 2024-25

Tuition and fees for the next academic year will be posted in early July. These values typically increase around 3% each year for planning purposes but are tentative pending Board of Trustees approval.

Alabama residents $32,860
Non-residents $76,594

Student Health Program

Student Health Service (deductible per academic year) $500
Prepaid Dental Health Program (per academic year) $102
Hospital Insurance paid per term (some form of insurance is required for all students per year) $3,244

Equipment and Laboratory Fees (per academic year)

Anatomy Lab Fee (first year students) $450
Preclinical technical laboratory (first and second year students) $4,192
Preclinical technical laboratory (third and fourth year students) $25
Prosthetic laboratory per year (third and fourth year students) $300
Technique gold Variable (purchase of approx. 20 d.w.t. gold at current market value by second year students for use in preclinical courses in operative dentistry and removable prosthodontics) At cost.
Breakage fee (Seniors only) $15

Miscellaneous Fees

Integrated National Dental Board Examination (fourth-year students) At cost
Clinic Fee -- First and second year (per academic year) $126
Clinic Fee -- Third year (per academic year) $4,296
Clinic Fee – Fourth year (per academic year) $4,296
CPR fee (first year students) $30
Advanced Cardiology Life Support (ACLS) Third year $30
ASDA Dues (per academic year) $117

Special Fees Paid Only When Applicable

Cap and gown rental for Doctor of Dental Medicine (fourth-year students) At cost
Graduation and diploma fee (fourth-year students) $60

Additional Expenses

The estimated cost of books, equipment, and supplies (exclusive of tuition and fees shown on preceding schedule) for four years at the School of Dentistry is $10,000. This amount includes approximately $650 for books and $250 for supplies. The above costs vary from year to year due to changes in prices and curriculum. Students should be aware that dental kits must be paid for at the time of purchase. *This fee schedule is subject to change at the beginning of each academic year.

Contact Us

Student Admissions and Records

Mailing Address
SDB 125
1720 2nd Avenue S
Birmingham, AL 35294-0007
(205) 934-3387