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Contact Us

Mia L. Geisinger, D.D.S., M.S.

Acting Chair
Program Director, Advanced Education in Periodontology
SDB 412
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(205) 934-4984

Elizabeth Bolton

Administrative Supervisor, Department of Periodontology
SDB 412
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(205) 934-4506

Emily Turner

Office Associate, Department of Periodontology
SDB 412
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(205) 934-4984

At UAB, the Department of Periodontology seeks to offer experiences for general dentists to allow them to diagnose and treat a variety of periodontal diseases and conditions. Student doctors receive didactic and clinical training in periodontology starting in their D1 year and as they progress from fundamental periodontal understanding and skills to more advanced practice, they are able to grow in their experiences and independence. Predoctoral students may also participate in a periodontal selective that allows interested and motivated students to receive small group and hands-on preclinical instruction in periodontology in their D3 year and then progress to surgical treatment of the periodontal needs of their assigned patients within vertical teams of postdoctoral residents. Our student dentists also see patients to evaluate, diagnose, and treat periodontal diseases in their D3 and D4 years.


  • DENT 1210: Case Based Education 1

    Course Director: Dr. Hussein Basma

    This course presents clinical scenarios in order to give D1 dental students simulated experience with various aspects of clinical dentistry and to provide an opportunity to apply basic science and foundational clinical concepts to the practice of dentistry.

  • DENT 1225: Periodontology D1

    Course Director: Dr. Maninder Kaur

    This course introduces the normal anatomy of the periodontium and presents the etiologic factors and pathophysiology of disease involved in periodontal diseases. Students develop skills in assessment of medical, dental and periodontal findings and assignment of periodontal disease diagnosis and risk assessment. Students are also exposed to an overview of periodontal therapies.

  • DENT 2245: Periodontology D2

    Course Director: Dr. Ramzi Abou-Arraj

    This course reviews the fundamental principles of periodontal diagnosis and expands upon the therapeutic management of periodontal diseases and conditions. Students practice non-surgical periodontal treatment skills and assess periodontal treatment options and outcomes.

  • DENT 3150: Periodontology D3

    Course Director: Dr. Maninder Kaur

    This course allows students who are treating patients in a clinical setting to explore common clinical hurdles, emerging concepts, and advanced therapies in periodontal care in parallel to their delivery of patient care. Students also participate in determining their learning objectives and subject matter through identification of student-interest topics.

  • DENT 3565: Clinical Periodontics D3

    Course Director: Dr. Maninder Kaur

    This course serves as an introduction to clinical patient care for D3 students. Student dentists longitudinally manage patients with periodontal diseases, including providing non-surgical therapy, referral, and periodontal management. Students demonstrate competency in periodontal disease diagnosis, treatment planning, oral hygiene instruction delivery, and non-surgical therapy.

  • DENT 4565: Clinical Periodontics D4

    Course Director: Dr. Maninder Kaur

    This course serves as an introduction to clinical patient care for D3 students. Student dentists longitudinally manage patients with periodontal diseases, including providing non-surgical therapy, referral, and periodontal management. Students demonstrate competency in evaluation of long-term management of periodontal diseases and risk assessment for future disease management.

  • Periodontal Selective

    Course Director: Dr. Hussein Basma

    This elective course allows a select group of student dentists to apply for an extracurricular small-group learning experience that provides them with the opportunity to learn in small group seminar, preclinical hands-on, and surgical simulation environments. Students meet one time per month throughout their D3 year and, upon successful completion, are integrated into vertical teams within the periodontal residency team treat select patients with periodontal needs.

  • Periodontal Student Interest Group

    Course Director: Dr. Maninder Kaur


Predoctoral Periodontal Program Director
Maninder Kaur, B.D.S., M.P.H., M.S.

Contact Us

Mia L. Geisinger, D.D.S., M.S.

Acting Chair
Program Director, Advanced Education in Periodontology
SDB 412
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(205) 934-4984

Elizabeth Bolton

Administrative Supervisor, Department of Periodontology
SDB 412
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(205) 934-4506

Emily Turner

Office Associate, Department of Periodontology
SDB 412
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(205) 934-4984