Explore UAB

Students sitting in a lounge area in the school, a smiling black female in a green UAB hat in the foreground.

Finding Your Path

In the UAB School of Education and Human Sciences, we strive to empower students to become agents of positive change in their communities. We are dedicated to equipping each graduate with the knowledge, skills, and experiences needed to excel as practitioners and professionals in any setting—urban, suburban, or rural.

Addressing the diverse needs of these communities calls for skilled professionals, from educators shaping the future in classrooms to health and wellness specialists promoting well-being. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of programs designed to prepare our graduates to make a meaningful impact in today’s ever-changing world.

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A student sits at a table in her UAB classroom, an open book and her cell phone in front of her. High-achieving undergraduate students may pursue the Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's Program (ABM) in Kinesiology with a concentration in Exercise Physiology (ABM-EPH). This program allows undergraduate students to take courses that count toward their undergraduate and graduate degrees at the same time.

How it Works

Students may apply after completing 60 or more undergraduate course hours (36 of which must be completed at UAB).

Once admitted, students may take up to 12 approved credit hours of approved 500/600-level graduate courses during their undergraduate degree.

Program Requirements

Students must arrange a meeting with their undergraduate and graduate advisors at the beginning of each semester to review their course selections and progress toward the degrees. To maintain a good status, the student must:

  • Maintain a 3.0 GPA average in undergraduate exercise science courses.
  • Receive a B (or better) in graduate courses while still an undergraduate student.
  • Remain at full-time-student status at UAB (with exceptions for medical emergencies)

The student will be withdrawn from the EPH-ABM program if any requirements are violated. Students who withdraw will retain credit for the courses already taken in the program. No credit sharing will be allowed if students enroll later in a graduate program in the Department of Human Studies.

Application Process for the ABM Program

Contact Program Director Gordon Fisher opens a new website for more information.

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