Explore UAB

Our projects and publications are driven by a commitment to making a tangible impact on patient care, healthcare systems, and the broader field of neurosurgery. We aspire to translate research findings into real-world solutions that improve outcomes and enhance the quality of neurosurgical care worldwide. Through our projects and publications, we aim to share insights, findings and best practices with the global neurosurgical community to foster learning, collaboration and continuous improvement in the field. We are currently working on projects focused on program development and increasing neurosurgical capacity in our partner sites and beyond.

Program Group Shot by a Research Poster

Modular Toolkit

Members of the UAB Global Neurosurgery Program are working to develop a standardized, modular and scalable neurosurgery collaboration toolkit based on institutional and partnership experiences and data-backed best practices. The toolkit consists of downloadable materials and digital resources that can be distributed worldwide to facilitate effective, ethical and equitable neurosurgical collaborations.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation are crucial for global health intervention. We aim to track and report information on our projects and its intended results and determine the impact or value of our projects. We have established indicators that can provide information about the outcomes of all the elements of our program.


  • Recent Publications
    • Haji, F. A., Lepard, J. R., Davis, M. C., Lien, N. D., Can, D. D. T., Hung, C. V., Thang, L. N., Rocque, B. G., & Johnston, J. M. (2021). A model for global surgical training and capacity development: the Children's of Alabama-Viet Nam pediatric neurosurgery partnership. Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery, 37(2), 627–636. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00381-020-04802-4
    • Duc Lien, N., Tuan, D. A., Vu Hung, C., Lepard, J. R., & Rocque, B. G. (2020). Corpus callosotomy for treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy: a review of 16 pediatric cases in northern Vietnam. Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics, 1–6. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.3171/2019.12.PEDS19638
    • Davis, M. C., Can, D. D., Pindrik, J., Rocque, B. G., & Johnston, J. M. (2016). Virtual Interactive Presence in Global Surgical Education: International Collaboration Through Augmented Reality. World neurosurgery, 86, 103–111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wneu.2015.08.053
    • Can, Dang Do Thanh, et al. "The utility and post-operative evolution of head circumference in nonsyndromic single-suture craniosynostosis: a prospective study in Vietnamese children." Child's Nervous System 39.2 (2023): 471-479. 
    • Rocque BG, Davis MC, McClugage SG, Tuan DA, King DT, Huong NT, Thi Bich Van N, Kankirawatana P, Vu Hung C, Nam Thang L, Johnston JM, Duc Lien N. Surgical treatment of epilepsy in Vietnam: program development and international collaboration. Neurosurg Focus. 2018 Oct;45(4):E3. doi: 10.3171/2018.7.FOCUS18254. PMID: 30269583.