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Primary Care Scholars Banner

Rural Healthcare Preceptor Information

Primary care providers serving in rural or underserved communities have the experience, knowledge, and expertise needed to train future advanced practice registered nurses and ensure they are prepared to meet the challenges associated with providing care in Alabama’s rural communities. We realize you are on the “front lines” of providing care and we want you to know we appreciate and support your efforts to improve health care for the people you serve.

You have a great deal to offer and we hope you will consider partnering with us in our efforts to prepare the future APRNs needed to address the needs of Alabama. As a rural healthcare provider working with students in the UAB School of Nursing Graduate Education Primary Care Scholars initiative, you have the opportunity to invest in the providers of tomorrow.

For more information about the benefits of precepting with UAB School of Nursing, please complete the Rural Healthcare Preceptor Information form below.

* required

Please let us know your name.
Please let us know your name.
Please let us know your name.
Please let us know your email address.
Please enter in your phone number.
Please enter in your street address.
Please enter in your city.
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Please enter in your zip code.
Please enter in your Alabama License Number (Nursing or Physician).
Please enter in your Board Certification.
Please enter in the name of your current practice site.
Please enter in the full address of your current practice site.
Please enter in the phone number of your current practice site.
Please select all that apply.
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