University Recreation and Employee Wellness are helping employees bounce back from the COVID-19 pandemic into a healthier lifestyle with free access to the Campus Recreation Center each Thursday in June. Employees who visit the Rec Center at least two of the four Thursdays during the month will earn an additional free month of access.
“The past 15 months have been extremely difficult. The pandemic introduced new barriers to living active lives and the added stress affected the overall well-being of everyone,” said Henry Knejfl, assistant director of Marketing and Membership for University Recreation. “We really wanted to create fun and engaging opportunities for UAB employees to get active, get fit and stay healthy.”
Any employee can sign up for the Employee Wellness Appreciation Month program, and employees enrolled in the My Health Rewards program can earn 100 points for participating and visiting two of the four Thursdays during the month. Register online.
Employee Wellness Appreciation Month kicks off the second annual Summer of Wellness initiative, highlighting wellness resources available to UAB employees. Participate in nutrition-focused webinars, join healthy challenges and access resources to help you stay well, both in and out of the workplace. Learn more at