November 2014 - The Reporter

Applications for associate dean for Graduate Biomedical Sciences will be accepted from UAB faculty through Nov. 2.

Published in Take Note
Administrative Associate Dawn Grill is productive, creative, efficient and UAB’s Employee of the Month for October.
Published in Awards & Honors
Things for the UAB community to see and do during the week of Oct. 18-24.
Published in Events

Access to personal information in the Electronic Phonebook at will be password-protected, effective immediately. All faculty, staff and students will need to log in with a BlazerID to search or access that information. Information for units and entities will not require a login.

Published in Take Note
Paulette Patterson Dilworth, Ph.D., will bring 38 years experience with her to build upon UAB's longstanding reputation as one of the nation's most diverse college campuses. She will begin here Jan. 15, 2016.
Published in Appointments
There are more than a million words in Marcel Proust’s novel “In Search of Lost Time.” UAB Professor Emeritus William Carter, Ph.D., is reviewing each one as part of a major revision and annotation of the most famous English translation of the work. As Carter’s second volume debuts this month, he shares details of this labor of love.
Published in Achievements
Randy Norton, in his third season as head coach for Women’s Basketball, co-stars in this ad for Blazer Vision All-Access, with his son Nick, sophomore starting guard for Men’s Basketball.
Published in Go Blazers!
UAB will host a kickoff picnic 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Oct. 20 on the Campus Green to launch this new initiative, and open forums will be scheduled to enable staff to help guide its creation.
Published in Take Note
Beginning Oct. 19, portions of University Boulevard between 14th and 16th streets will be closed for construction associated with expansion of the Greenway adjacent to the new Hill Student Center.
Published in Construction & Transit
UAB was first in Alabama, among the top 75 universities in the nation and No. 200 in the world, according to the 2016 Best Global Universities ranked by US News and World Report. Microbiology, immunology and clinical medicine programs ranked in the top 50.
Published in Patient Care
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