Displaying items by tag: campus safety

UAB health experts to develop a plan for the health and safety of all students, faculty and staff on all campuses.

Published in Campus Safety

UAB Safe streamFollow these easy tips to double check your home networks, devices and accounts to protect yourself from hackers and risks of compromised information.

Published in Campus Safety

UAB Safe streamUAB has several resources that, when coupled with personal initiatives, can help keep you safe during bad weather.

Published in Campus Safety

Emergency Medicine's Christopher Greene, M.D., and Infectious Diseases Director Jeanne Marrazzo, M.D., share the latest on the new coronavirus, precautions in the ED and updates on therapeutics to prevent and treat the illness in this video. Read about campus plans and responses on the UAB Updates tab at uab.edu/coronavirus.

Published in Campus Safety

UAB Safe streamUAB Criminal Investigations Division Captain Amy Schreiner and Stacy Moak, Ph.D., professor of social work, offer insights into the simplest ways to stay safe while on campus and around Birmingham — from safety whistles to self-defense classes.

Published in Campus Safety

UAB Safe streamDigital payments may total in the billions, but along with safety there is fraud in numbers. Gary Warner, director of research in computer forensics, suggests ways to keep your money safe from scammers.

Published in Campus Safety

UAB Safe streamWinter can be a discouraging time. During short days, long nights and freezing temperatures, it’s easy to choose staying home over braving cold temperatures or let exercise routines lapse in favor of curling up under a blanket. Learn about resources UAB offers for coping with seasonal affective disorder and other mental health issues.

Published in Campus Safety

UAB Safe streamFlu will take its toll on your health, but you can fight the virus by stopping the spread of germs. Use these tips to help protect you, your family and your colleagues.

Published in Campus Safety

UAB Safe streamJust one bleeding-control kit could make all the difference in the event of a mass shooting, explosion or car accident, trauma surgeons say. Learn to use a kit and buy them for your unit or donate kits to the Division of Acute Care Surgery to provide more training at UAB and in the community.

Published in Campus Safety

UAB Safe streamWhen working in high-rise buildings filled with electrical and combustible items and large equipment, fire preparedness can be key.

Published in Campus Safety

The 2019 report, available at uab.edu/police or in a downloadable PDF, follows the guidelines mandated by the Federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Police and Campus Crime Statistics Act.

Published in Campus Safety

UAB Safe streamBig things come from UAB research — but the best work takes place when researchers work with UAB’s Department of Occupational Health and Safety and adhere to best practices for lab safety.


Published in Campus Safety

A new text-based crisis support service debuts this month to help employees and their family members.

Published in Be Healthy

UAB Safe streamUnderstanding different types of bacteria, ways they’re transmitted and plans to keep your food safe is key to enjoying your tailgate and keeping guests healthy.

Published in Campus Safety

UAB Transportation’s Motorist Assistance Roadside Service program, known as MARS, provides out-of-this-world service to help you resolve the issue fast and for free.

Published in Campus Safety

UAB Safe streamCampus construction is affecting traffic flow and commute routes, so before you crank the car, remember these four things that increase the likelihood you’ll arrive safely to your destinations this summer.

Published in Campus Safety

UAB’s building-safety plan has expanded to include the Alumni House, Hansell/Hulsey Center and the 822, Bevill Biomedical Sciences, Cudworth and Facilities Administration buildings.

Published in Campus Safety

UAB Safe streamOn this sprawling urban campus, employees and students need to understand homelessness and learn to interact with homeless individuals in ways that are safe and respectful for both.

Published in Campus Safety

UAB Safe streamBefore you hop on that bike to commute to work or head across campus, make sure you, your bicycle and your knowledge of the road are ready.

Published in Campus Safety

UAB Safe streamFrom offering a travel assistance program to help planning ahead for emergencies while abroad to savings and discounts on travel options through UAB Perks, UAB makes prepping for international travel easier.

Published in Benefits & Policies

UAB Safe streamBetween spring break, St. Patrick’s Day and warmer weekend weather, springtime is full of opportunities for fun with friends — and for many, that means pouring a cold alcoholic beverage. But knowing the safe is an important part of having a good time.

Published in Campus Safety

Eighty-four percent of the respondents felt UAB Police and Public Safety is successfully protecting the UAB campus.

Published in Campus Safety

UAB Safe streamMajor depressive disorder with a seasonal pattern, more commonly known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), affects as many as 10 million Americans.

Published in Campus Safety

UAB Safe streamUAB has several resources that, when coupled with personal initiatives, can help keep you safe during bad weather.

Published in Campus Safety

Going out alone after dark in the city can be nerve-wracking for some, but it doesn't have to be — especially when UAB has multiple resources to help keep you safe.

Published in Campus Safety
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