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Executive Steering Committee

The Research Strategic Initiative: Growth with Purpose Executive Steering Committee (ESC), under the leadership of the President, focuses on identified strategic research initiatives and their implementation and addresses opportunities and challenges that may arise during the implementation process.

The ESC is supported by six Working Groups, Dean’s Councils and the Project Director.

  • Working Groups: Working groups consists of stakeholders with a vested interest and expertise in each infrastructure opportunity area. Each working group is led by Co-Chairs and includes members-at-large. In general, working groups serve in an advisory capacity to the ESC and help implement recommendations around infrastructure opportunities that are essential to support research growth.
  • Dean’s Councils: The Research Strategic Initiative: Growth with Purpose Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is also supported by the Dean’s Councils, who will serve in advisory capacity to the ESC and work on action plans to accomplish identified goals and objectives. Each Dean/Research Associate Dean will convene their council to ensure efficiency in the implementation process of strategic research initiative.

Project Director

The Project Director of Strategic Initiatives within the Office of the President

  • assists the Chair and Vice Chair to finalize the ESC meeting agendas, and records and distributes ESC meeting minutes;
  • reviews, discusses, and communicates any necessary updates to projects and action plans submitted by the Working Groups and Dean’s Council; attend Working Groups Chairs and Dean’s Councils meetings;
  • track progress on key performance metrics submitted by the Working Group Chairs and Dean’s Council;
  • collaborate with the Chief Communications Officer to ensure timely communication of the progress to campus stakeholders as per the communication plan; and
  • work with the Change Management team to provide resources on change management and facilitate appropriate trainings to the managers and leaders as needed.