Phase 3: Implementation phase consists of taking immediate action on key priorities, such as issuing a request for proposal (RFQ)to replace the current research administration system (eRA), optimizing the Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS), and streamlining contracting.
The governance structure provides a framework for our implementation phase and consists of an Executive Steering Committee, Working Groups, Dean’s Councils, and Project Support, as listed below.
List of Implementation Team Members Opens a PDF.
Executive Steering Committee (ESC)
The Research Strategic Initiative: Growth with Purpose Executive Steering Committee (ESC), under the leadership of the President, focuses on identified strategic research initiatives and their implementation and addresses opportunities and challenges that may arise during the implementation process. Below are the members of the ESC:
- Ray L. Watts, President (Chair)
- Chris Brown, Vice President for Research (Vice Chair)
- Anupam Agarwal, Senior Vice President and Dean of School of Medicine
- Jim Bakken, Chief Communication Officer
- Tom Brannan, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration
- Dawn Bulgarella, Chief Executive Officer of the UAB Health System
- Stephanie Mullins, Interim Vice President for Finance & VP of Strategic Initiatives
- R. Coleman Loper, Interim CEO & Chief Financial & Administrative Officer
- Curt Carver, Vice President and Chief Information Officer
- John Daniel, Deputy General Counsel & Chief University Counsel
- Janet Woodruff-Borden, Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs
The ESC is supported by six Working Groups, Dean’s Councils, and the Project Director of Strategic Initiatives.
Working Groups
Working Group(s) Charges
The Research Strategic Initiative: Growth with Purpose Executive Steering Committee (ESC) is supported by six Working Groups. Working Groups will consist of stakeholders with a vested interest and expertise in each infrastructure opportunity area. Each Working Group is led by Co-Chairs and includes members-at-large. In general, Working Groups serve in an advisory capacity to the ESC and help implement recommendations around infrastructure opportunities that are essential to support research growth. Working Groups may create sub-groups as needed to ensure the effective implementation of recommendations within the opportunity areas that are larger in scope.
- Review the feasibility of the recommendations (see Final Report) to enhance and improve the research infrastructure; refine, add, delete recommendations as appropriate.
- Formulate the action plan and monitor its implementation. The action plan needs to be specific, measurable, attainable, resourced, and time-based and must be submitted to the Executive Steering Committee for review and approval.
- Set WG annual work plans, identify key performance metrics/deliverables, and work with the relevant units/departments to ensure effective implementation and continuous monitoring of the progress/outcome during the implementation.
- Provide timely reports on key performance metrics and deliverables.
Role of Working Group Chair
- Set agendas and lead meetings.
- Lead the development of annual work plans that include goals, objectives/action plans, outcomes, activities, risk assessment and change management plans.
- Establish a regular cadence of meetings.
- Communicate the work plans, performance metrics and submit progress reports to the RSI: Growth with Purpose Executive Steering Committee Chair, Vice Chair, and the Project Director of Strategic Initiatives within the Office of the President.
- Present the progress reports to the RSI: Growth with Purpose Executive Steering Committee during quarterly meetings.
- Serve as change champions in change management team and provide advice and input on possible barriers to implementation, resolution to identified barriers, staffing implications, other impacts of the new system and business processes, need for skill up, training, recognition etc.
Time Commitment
The duration of each working group's membership depends on the annual work plans it develops. Working Group progress and membership will be reviewed annually.
The ESC is supported by six Working Groups. Working Groups consist of stakeholders with a vested interest and expertise in each infrastructure opportunity area (also referred to as ‘Enablers’ in the final report). Each Working Group is led by Co-Chairs and includes members-at-large. In general, Working Groups serve in an advisory capacity to the ESC and help implement recommendations around infrastructure opportunities that are essential to support research growth.
Working Groups may create sub-groups as needed to ensure the effective implementation of recommendations within the opportunity areas that are larger in scope.
64 members of the University community are members of the working groups, of which over 50% have faculty appointments. All schools and colleges are represented in the working groups, as are different divisions and departments on campus, such as Financial Affairs, Facilities, HSIS, the Office of the Provost, Human Resources, Compliance, CCTS, and the Office of Research.
- WG1: Optimize Research Related Processes — Jason Nichols (Co-Chair), Victor Darley Usmar (Co-Chair), Tom Buford, Jennifer Croker, Jereme Logan, Robert Howard, Bernard Mays, Sylvie Mrug, Dana Rizk, Ellen Lavoie Smith, David Standaert, and Martin Young.
- WG 2: Research Technology — Michael Matthews (Co-Chair), Brian Rivers (Co-Chair), Jim Cimino, Chad Duke, Tina Ealy, Kamilah Frison, Geoffrey Gordon, Marguerite Ryan Irvin, Matthew Might, Blakely O’Connor, and Ashley Specht.
- WG 3: Enhance Research Data Management & Structure — Suzanne Judd (Co-Chair), Ralph Zottola (Co-Chair), Lisa Curtis, Marla Hertz, Emily Levitan, Nicole Riddle, Joshua Robinson, Scott Sorenson, and Matt Wyatt.
- WG 4: Employment Destination — Janet May (Co-Chair), Michelle Robinson (Co-Chair), Muna Anabtawi, Scott Ballinger, Edith Castleberry, Bertha Hidalgo, Frances Lund, Scott Snyder, Cathy Tarver, and Yuchen Wang.
- WG 5: Augment and Elevate the Research Administration Workforce — Gina Hedberg (Co-Chair), David Kimberlin (Co-Chair), Donna Burnett, Jeremy Day, Rachel Jones, Jonathan McGill, Linda Moneyham, George Munchus, Ryan Outman, Erik Roberson, and Monica Stinnett.
- WG 6: Optimize & Enhance Facilities — Greg Parsons (Co-Chair), David Schwebel (Co-Chair), Kevin Bell, Michael Bertram, Chris Boutwell, Emily Colpack, Kim Hazelwood, Rakesh Patel, Kristina Visscher, Patricia West, and Brad Yoder.
Dean’s Councils
The ESC is also supported by the Dean’s Councils, who will serve in an advisory capacity to the ESC and work on measurable action plans to accomplish identified goals and objectives relevant to their schools/college/units.
Project Support
The Project Director of Strategic Initiatives Chandni Khadka of the Office of the President:
- assists the Chair and Vice Chair of ESC to finalize the ESC meeting agendas, and records and distributes ESC meeting minutes;
- reviews, discusses, and communicates any necessary updates to projects and action plans submitted by the Working Groups and Dean’s Councils;
- attends Working Groups Chairs and Deans Council’s meetings as needed;
- track progress on key performance metrics and/or deliverables submitted by the Working Group Chairs and Deans/Research Associate Deans;
- collaborate with the Chief Communications Officer to ensure timely communication of the progress to campus stakeholders; and
- works with the Change Management team to provide resources on change management and facilitate appropriate trainings to the managers and leaders as needed.
The progress reports on key performance indicators will be shared throughout the implementation phase with the campus stakeholders.