Curtis Carver

203C CEC
(205) 975-0250
Research and Teaching Interests: Computer Science, Security, Adaptive Hypermedia
Dr. Curtis Carver serves as Vice President and Chief Information Officer at UAB. He rose through the faculty ranks at the United States Military Academy to Professor of Computer Science and continues to teach in the classroom and online, holding faculty positions at both Georgia State University and UAB.
While it keeps him pretty busy, he believes that administrators should remain active in the classroom and technology leaders should consume their own technology.
He has extensive experience in technology strategy and operations for large multinational organizations. With a unique mix of industry and academic experiences, Dr. Carver has led the transformation of IT services by partnering with business owners, institutions, and other state agencies to jointly solve problems.
He currently teaches undergraduate and graduate classes in security and privacy, risk management, leadership and change management, and project management. These have been taught in a variety of formats including traditional classroom, synchronous and asynchronous online, and in an executive MBA classroom setting. He strives to engage the students in all settings to achieve their best possible performance regardless of the class format.
Read more about Dr. Carver on his personal website.