Explore UAB

Mahmut Unan

Mahmut Unan. Teaching Assistant Professor
University Hall 4159
(205) 996-4136

Research and Teaching Interests: Medical Image Analysis, Medical Robotics, Digital Image Processing, Algorithms and Data Structure, Computer Organization

Office Hours: W 11:00 am – 12:00 pm; F 9:00 - 11:00 am


  • M.S., University of Houston, Computer Science
  • Ph.D., University of Houston, Computer Science

My main areas of interest are Medical Image Analysis and Medical robotics. In my research, I aim to develop fast 3D Reconstruction algorithms for tubular structures. To this end, I develop algorithms to collect MRI projection images and perform 3D reconstruction using these projections. I plan to extend my research to data science and machine learning. Processing and volumetric reconstruction of the real-time data is a challenging task. I want to implement Machine Learning algorithms for the object detection and segmentation, in order to increase the speed of the computation, prediction algorithms also will be implemented.

I teach undergraduate level Computer Science courses such as; Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Organization, and Algorithms and Data Structures.