Ragib Hasan

University Hall 4149
Research and Teaching Interests: Cloud Security, the Internet of Things, Digital Forensics, Mobile Malware Security, Secure Provenance, Biomedical Device Security, Social Network Security, Database Security
Office Hours: By appointment
- M.S., Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Computer Science
- Post-doctoral, NSF/CRA Computing Innovation Fellow, Department of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University.
Ragib Hasan, Ph.D., explores research on cloud security, the Internet of Things, digital forensics, mobile malware security, secure provenance, biomedical device security, social network security, and database security. He is the founder of the Secure and Trustworthy Computing Lab (SECRETLab) at UAB. He is also a member of the UAB Center for Cyber Security and a member of the NIST Working group on Cloud Forensics.
Dr. Hasan’s research is supported by the Department of Homeland Security, the Office of Naval Research, the National Science Foundation, Facebook Inc., Google Inc., and Amazon Inc. He is a 2014 awardee of the prestigious NSF CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation for his work on cloud security. Dr. Hasan is also a recipient of the Google RISE Award (2013), Information Society Innovation Fund Award (2013), Deutsche-Welle Best of Blogs and Online Innovation award for his BanglaBraille project (2014), Google Faculty Research Award (2011), NSF Computing Innovation Fellowship (2009), and the Chancellor Award and Gold Medal from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (2003).
He is a founding member of Wikimedia Bangladesh chapter and a long term administrator of Bangla and English Wikipedias. He also founded Shikkhok.com, an award-winning online education platform for advancing STEM education in rural areas of India and Bangladesh that has won the 2013 Google RISE Award and 2013 Information Society Innovation Fund Award.
Recent Courses
- CS 101: Fluency with Information Technology
- CS 250: Discrete Structures
- CS 330: Computer Organization and Assembly Language
- CS 643: Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing
Select Publications
- Shams Zawoad, Amit Dutta, and Ragib Hasan. Forthcoming. Towards Building Forensics Enabled Cloud Through Secure Logging-as-a-Service. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.
- Shams Zawoad, Ragib Hasan, and John W Grimes. 2015. LINCS: Towards Building a Trustworthy Litigation Hold Enabled Cloud Storage System. Digital Investigation, 14, S55-S67.
- Ragib Hasan, Rasib Khan, Shams Zawoad, Md Haque. Forthcoming. WORAL: A Witness Oriented Secure Location Provenance Framework for Mobile Devices. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC) SI on Cyber Security.
- Shahid Noor and Ragib Hasan. 2015. D-CLOC: A Delay Tolerant Cloud Formation Using Context-Aware Mobile Crowdsourcing. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science. Vancouver, Canada, November 2015.
- Rasib Khan and Ragib Hasan. 2015. Fuzzy Authentication using Interaction Provenance in Service Oriented Computing. In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Services Computing. New York, June 2015.
A full list is available at SECRETLab.
Academic Distinctions and Professional Societies
- Winner, mBillionth Award for mLearning and mEducation, 2015
- Winner, 2015 STOP OBESITY Challenge, Mid-South Trans-disciplinary Collaborative Center for Health Disparities Research
- NSF CAREER Award, 2014
- Recipient, Deutsche Welle The Best of Blogs and Online Activism Award (Best Innovation, both Jury and User Award) for the BanglaBraille project, 2014
- Recipient, Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF) Award, 2013
- Recipient, Google RISE Award, 2013
- Recipient, Deutsche Welle The Best of Blogs and Online Activism Award (Best Innovation, User Award), 2013
- Recipient, Google Faculty Research Award, 2011
- NSF/CRA Computing Innovation Fellowship, 2009
Student Groups
- UAB SECuRE and Trustworthy Computing Lab (SECRETLab)