Maxillofacial Prosthetics
Application Deadline
August 31
This program offers intra-oral, extra-oral and facial reconstruction including prosthetic noses, eyes, and ears to one or two residents each year who have completed a CODA-approved advanced education in prosthodontics program. The program is housed on the fourth floor of the school and it is a valued service to the UAB health enterprise.
The American Academy of Maxillofacial Prosthetics provides a description of the sub-specialty:
Maxillofacial Prosthetics is a subspecialty of Prosthodontics that involves rehabilitation of patients with defects or disabilities that were present when born or developed due to disease or trauma. Prostheses are often needed to replace missing areas of bone or tissue and restore oral functions such as swallowing, speech, and chewing. In other instances, a prosthesis for the face or body may be indicated for cosmetic and psychosocial reasons. Prosthetic devices may also be created to position or shield facial structures during radiation therapy. Patients that typically desire prosthetic care are those that have been in an accident, have had surgical removal of diseased tissues, or have a neuromuscular disorder from ALS or a stroke. Children can also be born without full development of ears, teeth, or palate and need specialized care. Maxillofacial Prosthodontists are accustomed to working cooperatively with ENTs, oral surgeons, general and specialty dentists, plastic surgeons, neurologists, radiation oncologists, speech pathologists, anaplastologists and various ancillary personnel. The overall goal of all maxillofacial prosthetic treatment is to improve the quality of life.
Applicants for this program should have completed or are in their final year of completion of an Advanced Education in Prosthodontics program. Examples of prostheses fabricated by maxillofacial prosthodontists can include extra-oral prosthetics replacing the eye, ear, nose, and other facial structures. Somatic prosthesis may be made to replace a body part such as a finger, while radiation shields are fabricated to protect structures during radiation therapy. Intraoral prosthetics may include surgical, interim, and definitive obturators that cover missing parts of the palate to help mastication, swallowing, and speech. Prosthetics to move the soft palate or to replace a portion of the mandible can also be constructed.
University of Alabama School of Dentistry
The University of Alabama at Birmingham Advanced Specialty Program
Advanced Education in Maxillofacial Prosthetics ProspectusThe Advanced Education in Maxillofacial Prosthetics fellowship program is designed to provide comprehensive training and experience in the clinical management of patients requiring prosthetic treatment of orofacial defects.
The program is primarily clinically oriented, utilizing a team, or multidisciplinary concept, and is hospital based through its affiliation with the Dental Service of the University of Alabama Hospitals.
Didactic training consists of participation in conferences, seminars, and special lectures of Departments of Surgery, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Radiation Oncology, Prosthodontics and Biomaterials, Speech and Hearing and the Dental Oncology Service of the Department of Pathology as they relate to diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment of orofacial defects. If more than five years have elapsed since the completion of the candidate's previous specialty training, selected review courses in basic sciences related to prosthodontics may be assigned, at the discretion of the program director. (It is the responsibility of the applicant, to provide to the UAB School of Dentistry Admissions Office, the necessary paper work asked for in the application and prospectus.)
Clinical training is accomplished through a comprehensive, practical, and direct approach to patient management.
- The Fellow will attend oncology conferences and participate in diagnostic information exchange.
- The Fellow will participate in activities of the Departments of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Radiation Oncology, Surgery, in seminars, ward rounds and patient treatment where it involves maxillofacial defects.
- The Fellow will be assigned specific rotations in those departments participating in maxillofacial treatment.
- The Fellow will receive instruction in, and be expected to perform, laboratory procedures necessary to fabricate the various prosthetic appliances utilized in patient treatment.
- The Fellow may participate in on-going departmental research or can initiate an original research project.
Upon completion of the twelve months of training, the Fellow will have completed a sufficient number and variety of prosthetic restorations and will have had sufficient opportunities for interdisciplinary responsibilities to be proficient in all phases of maxillofacial prosthetic treatment.
The program in Maxillofacial Prosthetics is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation, a specialized accrediting body recognized by the Council on Postsecondary Accreditation and the United States Department of Education. A Master's Program can be obtained. However, while these two programs may begin concurrently, it is expected that the Master's Program will take an additional year to complete.
Type of Program
The program of advanced study is offered to graduate dentists who have completed a CODA accredited Advanced Education in Prosthodontics program and are qualified for examination for certification by the American Board of Prosthodontics. Successful completion of this program leads to a Certificate in Maxillofacial Prosthetics. Applicant interviews are highly recommended and will be required and arranged at the discretion of the program director. All foreign applicants are required to take the TOEFL examination before they can be considered for a fellowship position.
Tuition Costs, Fees, Instruments and Stipends
- The program is supported by the University of Alabama Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Program
- The Fellow is paid a stipend by the University of Alabama Hospitals GME Program. Accordingly, this program is coordinated through the GME Office, and carries with it the rules and regulations established by that office. A manual is furnished to each resident.
- The fellow is required to provide professional liability insurance, health insurance, and must be capable of meeting financial responsibilities while in the program. Liability and health insurance are purchased from the University.
- The fellow is not required to furnish instruments or supplies but is encouraged to supply any particular personal instruments that are helpful in performing tasks. The fellow is required to have a camera for intraoral photography.
- Uniforms and laundry are provided by the University Hospitals. Meals are not furnished, but adequate and inexpensive in-house cafeteria facilities are available.
- Before registration all fellows must present certification of vaccination for (or immunity to) Hepatitis B.
- Foreign “Fellows” may not receive a stipend if he/she is financially supported by their government or do not have the appropriate VISA documentation. All foreign “Fellows” must co-ordinate their on-boarding process with the UAB International Office and GME office.
General Information
Program Orientation
The program responsibilities encompass the various clinical programs of the affiliated hospitals and clinics. Participation in advanced dental education programs is considered to require concentrated full-time effort on the student's part. Consequently, each student should plan his or her other responsibilities accordingly.
Clinical Activity
The primary clinical activity is within the UAB School of Dentistry Prosthodontic Clinic, UAB Kirklin Clinic and UAB University Hospital. The fellow will participate in activities at the various related departmental clinics or wards as needed.
Continuing Education
The Schools of Medicine and Dentistry offer a variety of Continuing Education courses. The fellow is required to attend those of particular pertinence and encouraged to attend others which may be of interest. Tuition for Continuing Education courses at the School of Dentistry is waived.
The program begins July 1st. Applications should be filed by the preceding November 15. Applications are reviewed following December 1, with notifications of acceptance or rejection before January 15.
Residents are specifically forbidden by the Program Director to perform services for any patient not approved or assigned by the faculty. These measures are intended to protect the resident from interference with a projected, planned program of graduate or postgraduate study.
- The Maxillofacial Prosthetics Treatment is part of the UAB School of Dentistry Prosthodontic Clinic on the fourth floor. Two fully equipped and modern dental operatories are reserved for the Maxillofacial Prosthetic program and a fully equipped dental prosthetic laboratory oriented to maxillofacial procedures is located on the 3rd floor.
- The University Hospitals have outstanding surgical in-patient and out-patient facilities which are utilized in the ongoing programs. These include surgical oncology clinics, the oral and maxillofacial surgery clinic, the ENT clinic and the plastic surgery clinic. The University Hospital also has an outstanding radiation therapy facility and biocommunication laboratories.
Application Procedure
A program-specific application forms may be obtained and should be returned to the Office of the Director of Advanced Dental Education:
University of Alabama School of Dentistry
Postdoctoral Admissions Office
1720 2nd Avenue South
SDB #124-E
Birmingham, Alabama 35294-0007See link below to complete the application online:
See Processing fee Payment link below:
Make PaymentFor additional details regarding the application deadline, materials, and fee, see our Gainful Employment Disclosure.
The contents of this prospectus represent the most current information available at the time of publication. It is possible that changes may be made with respect to this information without prior notice. Thus, the provisions of this prospectus are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the school and the student.
Gainful Employment Disclosure
Interim Program Director:
Dr. Chin-Chuan Fu DDS, MS,
(205) 996-5110Clinical and Assistant Director:
Michael Kase,
(205) 934-5334Length of Program: 1 year
Match Participant: No
Pass Participant: No
Certificate Awarded: Yes
Optional M.S. in Clinical DentistryDegree Awarded: No
Stipend Available: Yes
Foreign fellows may not qualify for StipendTuition/fees: None
International Students Accepted: Yes for graduates of an USA-CDN CODA accredited -Advanced Education in Prosthodontic Program.
Application Deadline: October 1
Program Start Date: July 1
Application Materials Required:
- Alabama Direct Application, Dean's Letter, 2 Letters of Recommendation, Dental School Transcripts.
Application Fee: Pay the $50 application fee online.