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Two dentists discussing x-ray results.M.S. Degree in Dentistry

UAB School of Dentistry in collaboration with the UAB Graduate School offers graduate studies leading to a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Dentistry. The objective of the program is to relate basic biological sciences to health and diseases of the oral cavity and craniofacial complex.

This program is designed for individuals holding a D.D.S., D.M.D., B.D.S., or B.A/B.S. (biology, chemistry, biomedical science major) with minimal or no research experience. The program will provide training in dental academics and teaching and research in basic or applied sciences.

The 2-year program consists of course work, seminars, journal club, and a laboratory component. Course work includes formal lectures and courses offered within the School of Dentistry. A significant portion of the program is devoted to the design and completion of a thesis research project carried out under the supervision of the faculty mentor.

The diversity of clinical, translational and basic biomedical disciplines in the dental school offers opportunities for students to pursue studies in a stimulating research environment.

Degree Paths

Students can pursue research studies focused on clinical dentistry, oral biology, or dental biomaterials. To earn your degree, you can follow one of two paths:

M.S. with Emphasis in Biomaterials or Oral Biology

If you hold a B.S., a B.A. with a science major, or a D.M.D., D.D.S, or B.D.S. degree, you have the opportunity to earn an M.S. in Dentistry with an emphasis in Dental Biomaterials or Oral Biology:

M.S. with Postdoctoral Residency (Clinical Dentistry)

Those with a D.M.D., D.D.S, or B.D.S. degree who have been accepted to a postdoctoral residency program in Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry, Endodontics, Periodontology, or Prosthodontics can apply in order to pursue an M.S.

The M.S. program may be combined with a clinical residency training only after acceptance into the clinical specialty certificate program. Residents earning a master's degree, regardless of specialty/status, will be charged tuition by the UAB Graduate School for enrollment in the master's program.

Program Requirements & Admissions

Regardless of your path, successful completion of the M.S. program requires acceptance to the UAB Graduate School and a minimum of 30 graduate credits. Of these, 18 credits must be selected from graduate-level courses approved for the program and a minimum of 12 credits of research. Each student must orally defend a master's thesis based on their research.

More details on the M.S. Degree in Dentistry, including graduate admissions, tuition & fees, and full requirements, are available in the UAB Graduate Catalog.



Emphasis in Oral Biology

Program-specific questions

Dr. Amjad Javed & Dr. Jannet Katz

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(205) 934-5470

Emphasis in Biomaterials

Program-specific questions

Dr. Nate Lawson

Admissions-related questions

(205) 934-5470

M.S. with Postdoctoral Residency

Program-specific questions

Admissions-related questions

(205) 934-5470


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