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The Link List module enables you to generate a list of links, either with or without a heading.

It is important to note that the link list is not meant to replace the sidebar or collapsible sidebar. Instead, it is designed to complement a sidebar menu, serving as an option for incorporating additional links that are tangential to the current page.

For this reason, it is recommended that the link list be used in left left lower or right lower, or within the page content either directly in the article or within a grid or gridstack.

How to Use

The Link List is a menu module that requires you to set up a menu. The menu can include headings, links to external websites, or internal links to pages on the site. If using headings, it’s recommended to set up menu items related to the heading as sub-items.

For example, a menu with headings would be structured like this:

  • Heading
    • Link 1
    • Link 2
    • Link 3
  • Heading 2
    • Link 1
    • Link 2
    • Link 3

A link list without headings would have all items on the first level:

  • Link 1
  • Link 2
  • Link 3

Once you have created the menu, the next step is to set up a menu module and designate "link-list" as the chosen layout under the advanced tab. You can then display the menu on the page.


Link List with Heading

Link List without Heading