Explore UAB

The footer is a section that appears at the bottom of your web page. It is displayed across all pages of your website. The primary purpose of a website footer is to provide contact details, social media links, and other important resources that are relevant to the website.

There are two parts to the footer - a unit specific part and a global part. The unit specific can be customized with different pieces of information to meet the needs of the unit. The global part contains the UAB logo, the UA system logo, as well as copyright and other required links.

How to use

Website name
The name of the website.
The address can be up to three lines.
Phone Number
A single contact number. If more than one number is needed, use the button option and link to a contact page.
A single email address. If more than one email address is needed, use the button option and link to a contact page.
A button that can link to a webpage or a specific email address.
Social Media
Links to unit specific social media.
Additional Logo
A location to include an accreditation logo. This space should not be used to include a unit specific UAB logo.
Unit Specific Links
Up to 8 unit specific links.
Global UAB Links
Global UAB links that are included in all footers.
Unit Name
123 Main Street
Building 1
Birmingham, Alabama 12345
(123) 456-7890
