Tile buttons are larger, more styled links designed to grab users attention or to provide a more appealing visual asthetic on redirect pages. They are designed to be used on both home and internal pages or on redirect pages. These buttons are designed to be used when there are three or more links. It's not possible to use them with less than three links. If you have more links than the layout option you've selected, additional links will wrap and appear in a grid layout.
The news flash module allows you to display articles from your site limited to a specific category and/or specific tags.
The feed display module allows you to pull in content to your site via a single RSS feed.
Alerts allow you provide prominant message to users that appears below the site navigation. The alert can appear on specific pages or site-wide. The alert is flexible to allow for displaying different types of alerts to users.
The Gallery provides a way to create a simple image gallery with associated titles, content, and links to additional content. It can also be used to create image buttons with title overlays. The filter functionality allows you to categorize items using tags and display a toggle navigation as a way for users to view content by specific tag.