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When should I take the Defensive Driving Course?

You should successfully complete the online Defensive Driving Course within 30 days of employment and at least once every two years thereafter (exceptions: UAB Police and Public Safety Officer). The Defensive Driving Course link can be found on the training page.

How do I get Safety Data Sheets (formerly MSDS) and other safety information about the chemicals I work with?

There are several options for getting safety information about chemicals.
  • Read the container label – the very best source of quick information about a material is the label. Basic hazard information and a contact address, website or phone number must be available on commercially prepared labels. If a user re-labels a container, or labels a temporary container, they must put the chemical name and main hazard on the new label.
  • Look up the material on a chemical distributor's website, for example: Sigma-Aldrich , or Fisher.
  • Access the ChemWatch system from UAB campus through this link: https://jr.chemwatch.net/chemwatch.web/account/autologinbyip
  • Contact EH&S and ask Chemical Safety to provide you with a Safety Data Sheet or other chemical information.
  • Use a search engine to perform a web search for information

How do I dispose of broken glass?

If the broken glass IS contaminated with biologicals then it must be disposed of as a sharp in a sharps container. If the broken glass is NOT contaminated with biologicals then place the glass in a heavy cardboard box, tape it securely and label the outside of the box “broken glass”. Place the box for regular trash pickup via Environmental Services.

How do I dispose of light bulbs or fluorescent tubes?

Light bulbs and fluorescent tubes are considered Universal Waste and are regulated. They are handled by UAB Maintenance and the UAB EH&S Support Facility. Please contact 934-3797 for additional information.

Who picks up sharps containers?

All medical waste is managed by Stericycle. If you have pick-up questions contact Mark Mixon with Stericycle at 404-362-9313. If you are not sure what should be disposed of as a sharp you can contact EH&S at 975-4341.

Where do I get refills for the hand sanitizer stands placed by EH&S?

Environmental Services has access to the hand sanitizer stand refills. Contact the appropriate supervisor for your building and request refills.

Isn’t EH&S and OSHA the same thing – what is the difference?

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1971 (OSHA) was created to provide U.S. workers with a safe working environment. OSHA is administered through the Department of Labor that regulates safety for most non-governmental workplaces in the U.S., but many states have their own OSHA laws. UAB has the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) that provides internal oversight to the UAB community and whose mission is to ensure that our faculty, staff, students, patients, and visitors have a safe workplace by providing them with the service and knowledge necessary to protect themselves, the UAB community and the environment.

Who handles OSHA compliance?

The Department of Environmental Health & Safety provides health and safety oversight to UAB and was organized to develop control programs for several areas:
  1. Environmental health and safety
  2. Radiological health and safety
  3. Biological safety
  4. Chemical safety
  5. Asbestos abatement
  6. Hazardous waste management
  7. Education and training
  8. Environmental management
  9. Emergency Management
EH&S uses the applicable OSHA standards as a minimum requirement for workplace safety.

There is a chemical odor in my work area, how can I get help?

If you have symptoms of a chemical exposure such as dizziness, eye or respiratory irritation, warn others and leave the area immediately then call EH&S at 934-2487 from an unaffected location. Otherwise take a moment to gather some preliminary information, and then call EH&S. To provide the best service to you, we will need to know:
  • The location of the problem – building, room and any other details – in a cabinet, near a vent etc.
  • As precise a description of the odor as you can give – is it sulfur-like, is it solvent like, is it a chemical you recognize?
  • When the odor started – call sooner rather than later, so we have the best chance of tracing the source.
  • If an unusual process or activity is occurring in your area – is there construction, painting, or a new experiment?
An important note about odors: When reporting "gas" odors please distinguish between natural gas, with a sulfurous, mercaptan odor, and gasoline with a characteristic solvent odor. The required response to these materials is different.

Employee Health / Occupational Health

May I get a flu shot from UAB Employee Health if I am not enrolled in the program?

Currently, flu shots are given through Employee Health/Occupational Medicine to Campus Employees whose work would warrant vaccination. Since this is determined by enrollment in the Employee Health Program, enrollment is required.

How often should I update my enrollment in the UAB EH&S Occupational Medicine Program?

Enrollment must be updated at least every two years.  Additionally, an enrollment update is required if you change jobs or your work exposures change.


How often should I take the Bloodborne Pathogens class?

The OHS_BIO500 Bloodborne Pathogens training class must be taken upon employment and then on an annual basis unless regulations change.

How often should I take the Chemical Safety Training?

CS101 Chemical Safety Training is required once. Taking it annually as a refresher is recommended.

How often should I take the Hazardous Waste Course?

The CS055 Hazardous Waste Handling & Packing Course is required annually for those individuals that handle or pack hazardous waste.