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Research Safety Reviews

Research Safety conducts integrated health and safety reviews in research labs, clinical labs, and teaching labs. These reviews are conducted at least yearly on a scheduled basis and unannounced reviews may be performed on a more frequent basis, as deemed necessary. The reviews will cover a broad range of topics including: general safety, training, chemical safety, biosafety, hazardous/biological waste handling and disposal, and lab security. The reviews are conducted electronically. All correspondence is via website and email. Use the following links to access all documents, signs, stickers, and forms necessary to prepare your lab and personnel for the review.

Instructions for the Laboratory Safety Review Self Evaluation
Laboratory Demographics
>> More Laboratory Safety Review forms, stickers, and signs

If you have any questions or need to schedule an review, please feel free to contact us.

Contact Person: Julie Gray
Phone number: 205-975-4341
Email address: grayj@uab.edu

Radiation Safety Reviews

Overview: The Radiation Safety Program performs and documents in-depth radiation safety reviews of the laboratory and facility safety programs of both medical and nonmedical radioactive material licensees, reviewing the receipt, storage, use, handling, transfer and disposal of their radioactive materials. A representative number of these reviews are to be conducted on an unannounced basis.

Contact Person: Robert Heath, Jr. or Domenica Pringle
Phone number: 934-2487
Email address: rheath@uab.edu or dpringle@uab.edu

Campus Safety Reviews

Campus Safety conducts reviews concerning fire, life, occupational safety, and industrial hygiene. Our goal is to prevent injury and loss of life and property. Reviewing is conducted on most campus buildings, machine shops, and industrial type facilities. High-risk buildings are completed yearly, with other types of facilities on an as needed basis. Campus safety also conducts routine inspections for contracted construction projects that occur on campus to ensure site safety. Periodic reviews and assessments are conducted by our industrial hygiene staff for issues involving mold, asbestos, air quality, noise, and specific health irritants.
Contact to schedule a review or address a specific issue, or general concern.
Contact Persons:
Vann Thursby, Manager - Campus Safety & Industrial Hygiene
Email: vthursby@uab.edu
Rob Emmons, Director- Campus & Life Safety
Email: remmons@uab.edu