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Questions and/or issues with the UAB Learning System?

Overview: Sometimes you may encounter a problem with course content or have a question about something in the content or the assessment. If you do, we can help.
Before you call or e-mail the contacts below, please be prepared to tell us the following:

  • Your name
  • Your BlazerID
  • The course you are taking
  • The question or issue you have

Troubleshooting: It would also help us if you would check:

  1. Have you disabled pop-up blockers? Pop-up blockers must be disabled in order to use the Learning System. If you need help with turning these off, please contact your IT person or AskIT.
  2. Are you trying to access the Learning System off campus? We need to know. There should not be a problem, but occasionally people will have software or firewalls that will block the system or content.

Contact: Serra Smith
Email address: serraf@uab.edu

Links: uab.edu/learningsystem/ Look for the System Help Tutorials in both PDF and Video format.