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UAB requires all employees, except UAB police, who operate a UAB vehicle (car or van) as part of his or her regular duties to complete the UAB Defensive Driving online course before operating any UAB vehicle.

flag redNote: There's an exception for UAB Golf/Utility carts. Please take the UAB Golf/Utility Cart Training before driving a cart.

New employees should take the course within 30 days of employment and every two years after that.


At the conclusion, participants should be able to:
  • Conduct a thorough pre-trip inspection of the vehicle
  • Drive safely on all roads
  • Understand and perform all necessary actions should something go wrong
  • Know where to find resources if needed

Topics Covered:

  • Before You Leave (Checklist of items to cover before leaving the parking space)
  • Vehicle Inspections (Importance of regular checks of tires, engine, oil, etc.)
  • On the Road (Leaving your agenda with others, phones, supplies, etc.)
  • When Things Go Wrong (How to stay safe and get help)
  • Resources and Conclusion (assessment and PDF resources)
* A passing score of 80 percent is required.

Go to the Campus Learning System : Defensive Driving Training to complete this training course.
To access transcripts, log into Learning Locker.

Below you will find reference material and job aids to assist you in understanding Defensive Driving. After completing the course, feel free to return here and print any of the material you find useful.

Call 205-934-2487 for more information.