UABIT launches new WiFi networks

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ITUABIT introduces a faster, stronger, more secure WiFi network that will offer greater convenience for users with BlazerIDs and simplify WiFi access for guests. UABStartHere and UABSecure replace the existing networks — uabwifi, uabwifi-nac and uabvisitor.

Campus users with devices connected to UAB WiFi networks may begin to reconfigure those devices July 31. Uabwifi and uabvisitor will be available until Aug. 15, and uabwifi-nac will be available until Nov. 15.

UABSecure is the preferred network for users with a BlazerID because it provides encryption for sensitive
data. UABStartHere is an open network, which provides no encryption, and users will not need to enter a WEP key.
Note: Unencrypted sensitive data should not be transmitted through the UABStartHere network unless protected by other means,such as a virtual private network (VPN) session.

To connect to UAB’s new WiFi network, choose the UABStartHere network from your device and open a Web browser; users will be automatically directed to a website where you can configure your device for the UABSecure network, log onto the UABStartHere network or register as a guest.

Guests will no longer require sponsored access to use the campus WiFi network. They only need to log on to UABStartHere using a valid email address to get 24 hours of access to the WiFi network.

Read more about this change and how to configure your devices at