Explore UAB


Lauren Hobbs


Meg Ruggiero
(205) 934-8020
Hill Student Center, Suite 230

First Blazers Mentors


Lead Mentor

Odeth Leal

Odeth Leal

Lead Mentor


Mentor Team

Sami Raja

Sami Raja

Kiersten Ratcliff

Kiersten Ratcliff

Mary Stoltz

Mary Stoltz

Quintoira Warren

Quintoira Warren


Mentor Eligibility Requirements

Each spring semester, students in the current year’s First Blazers cohort can apply to be mentors for the next academic year. If all the mentor positions are not filled by current members and/or mentors, mentor applications will be opened to first-generation students who may not have participated in First Blazers—with priority given to previous participants.

To be eligible to serve as a mentor, students must:

  • Identify as a first-generation student as defined by UAB,
  • Be able to attend summer training dates,
  • Be able to hold office hours for one-on-one scheduled meetings and drop-ins with mentees the next academic year,
  • Commit to attending First Blazer small-group and full-organization events,
  • Maintain a minimum of 12 hours of enrollment each semester during the academic year, and
  • Must have and maintain a 2.5 cumulative UAB GPA during the academic year of membership.

For more information on how to become a First Blazer mentor, please contact the program’s advisor, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Need Assistance?

If you are a first-generation student, faculty member, staff member, or on-campus advocate at UAB and have a question, need to request support, or want to share a concern, please complete the form below.

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