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Professor, Director, Creative Writing abvines@uab.edu
University Hall 5024
(205) 975-5317

Research and Teaching Interests: Modern and contemporary poetry, creative writing

Office Hours: By appointment


  • B.A., University of Alabama at Birmingham, English
  • M.A., University of Alabama at Birmingham, English
  • MFA, University of Florida, Creative Writing

An avid fisherman, Adam Vines specializes in modern and contemporary poetry and creative writing with secondary interests in early American and early modern English religious and political rhetoric, early modern English drama, ecological literature, and Southernism.

He has published poetry in The Southern Review, Poetry, Southwest Review, The Kenyon Review, Gulf Coast, Barrow Street, The Cincinnati Review, 32 Poems, The Literary Review, Five Points, Ecotone, The Hopkins Review, Verse Daily, Poetry Daily, and others. He is the author of three single-authored books of poetry — Lures (LSU Press, 2022), Out of Speech (LSU, 2018), and The Coal Life (University of Arkansas Press, 2012) — and two collaborative poetry collections written with Allen Jih, Day Kink (Unicorn Press, 2018) and According to Discretion (Unicorn Press, 2015). He has won awards for his teaching from the University of Florida and UAB. He is editor of Birmingham Poetry Review and faculty advisor for the UAB Fishing Team.