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Associate Professor nicholelariscy@uab.edu
University Hall 5018
(205) 934-4250

Research and Teaching Interests: Writing for healing and wellness, American literature, drama and playwriting, memoir and autobiography, women’s studies, multi-ethnic literatures of the United States, service-learning and engaged scholarship

Office Hours: Vary per semester


  • B.A., Georgia College and State University, English and Theater
  • M.A., Northwestern University, English and Theater
  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, English

Dr. Nichole Lariscy primarily teaches first year composition and sophomore literature courses; she occasionally teaches upper-level courses. She often teaches honors courses. Many of her courses are service-learning courses that serve community partners in the Birmingham area. This service often takes the form of storytelling in the communities: both creating stories with the community members and gathering their life stories. Partners have included the South Highland Adult Day Center, the 1917 Clinic, St. Clair and Donaldson Prisons, the United Way, Hope Hospice, the Literacy Council, and the Red Barn.

In recent years, Dr. Lariscy has focused her teaching, creative writing, and scholarship around the concepts of Writing for Healing and Bibliotherapy.

In the classroom, sometimes Dr. Lariscy will lecture, but her classes are almost always student-driven, inquiry-based classrooms in which students take responsibility in producing advanced learning through critical thinking, dialogue, research, and both low-stakes and high-stakes writing.