Explore UAB

Institute for Human Rights College of Arts and Sciences


The IHR hosts its event in various locations across campus. Here are the most common ones:

  • UAB Heritage Hall is located at 1401 University Blvd, Birmingham. The IHR is housed in Heritage Hall on the 5th floor, suite 551.
  • The UAB Hill Student Center is located at 1400 University Blvd, Birmingham.
  • The UAB Alumni House is located at 1301 10th Avenue South, Birmingham.
  • The UAB Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts (AEIVA) is located at 1221 10th Avenue South, Birmingham.
  • The Alys Stephens Center is located at 1200 10th Ave South, Birmingham.


Heritage Hall and Hill Center

14th Street Parking Deck

  • Enter near the corner of 14th Street South and 7th Avenue South
  • 0-1 hour: $3.00
  • Each additional hour: $1.00
  • 11 hours or more: $13.00 (Resets after 24 hours)

Street Parking

You have to use Park Mobile to park on the streets.

UAB Parking Information

UAB Alumni House

Parking can be found at the Alumni House and across the street (lot 15D behind AEIVA, off 13th Street South or 11th Avenue South).

AEIVA and Alys Stephens Center

Parking can be found in lot 15D behind AEIVA, off 13th Street South or 11th Avenue South.


Additional Information

Please visit the UAB campus map for general information on directions and parking.

For any additional arrangements regarding parking, please contact UAB Parking & Transportation at 205.934.3513.