Healing Collective Trauma: Navigating Shared Histories and Pathways to Restoration
Please note that this schedule is tentative and subject to change.
Monday, March 31
- 8 a.m.: Registration
- 8:30 a.m.: Welcome.
- Speaker: Kecia Thomas, Dean, UAB College of Arts and Sciences
- 8:45 a.m.: Conference Theme Introduction: Healing Collective Trauma
- Speaker: Tina Kempin Reuter, Director, UAB Institute for Human Rights; Fanicy Sears, Owner, eMotion Therapy
- 9:15 a.m. — Session 1: Healing Collective Trauma Through Convening and Historical Tradition (Convener: Birmingham Civil Rights Institute)
- Speakers: Barry McNealy, BCRI Historical Content Exert, Birmingham Civil Rights Institute; John Paul Taylor, Senior Campaign Strategy Associate-Rights Restoration, Advancement Project
- 10:30 a.m.: Coffee Break
- 11 a.m. — Session 2: Empowering Communities: Healing Collective Trauma Through Rights (Convener: Lakeshore Foundation)
- Speaker: John Kemp, President & CEO, Lakeshore Foundation
- 12:15 p.m. — Session 3: Lunch and Keynote: Healing Collective Trauma: A Personal Account Surviving the Genocide in Burundi
- Keynote Speaker: Jeanine Ntihirageza, Director, Genocide and Human Rights Research in Africa and the Diaspora, Northeastern Illinois University
- 2 p.m. — Session 4: Healing Collective Trauma Through Education (Convener: Alabama Holocaust Education Center)
- Speaker: Ann Mollengarden, Applied Researcher, Alabama Holocaust Education Center
- 3:15 pm: Coffee Break
- 3:30 pm: Session 5: TBD
- 4:45 pm: Wrap up, break
- 5 p.m. — Session 6: Healing Collective Trauma Through Forgiveness: Screening of As We Forgive and discussion (in UAB Hill Center Alumni Theater)
- Facilitator: Nicholas Sherwood, Mental Health & Psychosocial Support Expert Advisor, Think Peace Learning & Support Hub
- 6:30 p.m.: Reception
Tuesday, April 1
- 9 a.m. — Session 7: Workshops (breakouts)
- Healing Collective Trauma Through Ancestral Practices: What Advocates and Professionals Need to Know About Psychedelic Therapies, Client Agency, and the Reintegration of Ancestral Healing as Alternative PTSD Treatment in the Black Community (CEs available for LPC).
- Speakers:
- Akua Brown, Prescriber, Alchemy Community Therapy Center;
- Stephanie Michael Stewart, Psychiatrist, Worldwide Wellness;
- Reverand Tonya (Mama Adejoke) Butler-Truesdale, Reverand and Founder, AlaAse, HoodChaplain, HooDooChaplain, InternationalCorporateChaplain;
- Bridget Piggue, Director of Spiritual Health, EUHM, Emory University
- Speakers:
- Healing Collective Trauma and Research: Best practices for community-engaged research with communities experiencing collective trauma. This interactive workshop focuses on introducing methods, approaches, and best practices of research engaging communities that have experienced collective trauma. Using examples from her own research, Dr. Tina Kempin Reuter, Director of the Institute for Human Rights at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, will introduce participants to:
- Different ways to engage with community-based organizations, people with lived experiences, and other stakeholders
- How to co-create a research program with those communities
- What to consider when working with underrepresented and disadvantaged groups who have experienced collective trauma
- What type of pitfalls and challenges to consider when using in community-engaged research approaches
- 10:15 a.m.: Coffee Break
- 10:45 a.m. — Session 8: : Workshops continued
- 12 p.m. — Session 9: Lunch and poster session
- 1:30 p.m. — Session 10: Community Conversation: Healing Collective Trauma Together (all participants)
- 2:45 pm: Wrap up and Remembrance Ceremony (Sankofa Projects)
- Facilitator: Chadra Pittman, Founder & Director, The Sankofa Projects, 4 E.V.E.R.
- 3 p.m.: End of Conference
- 4 - 6 p.m.: Reception and Jemison Visiting Professorship in the Humanities: "Asymmetries in the Archives: Rethinking Violence and Silence(s) in the Past"
- Speaker: Dr. Rana Hogarth, Associate Professor (University of Pennsylvania).
- Location: Hill Student Center Alumni Theater
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Additional Opportunities
Visit the Institute for Human Rights Gallery of Holocaust Survivors (Hallway 5th Floor, Heritage Hall Building (1401 University Blvd, across the street from the Hill Student Center)
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