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Atanas Stefanov.

Professor This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(205) 934-8551
University Hall 4049

Research Interests: Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, in particular soliton and near soliton dynamics, local and global behavior of dispersive PDE, asymptotics for dissipative PDE.

Teaching Interests: Differential equations, Linear algebra, Real/complex/functional analysis.

Office Hours: By appointment


  • B.S., M.S., Sofia University, Mathematics
  • M.S./DEA, University Paris VI, Mathematics
  • Ph.D., University of Missouri, Mathematics

  • Academic Appointments

    All in mathematics:

    • 1999-2000, Postdoctoral Fellow, Syracuse University
    • 2000-2002, Visiting Assistant Professor, UMASS
    • 2002-2007, Assistant Professor, University of Kansas
    • 2007-2012, Associate Professor, University of Kansas
    • 2012-2021, Professor, University of Kansas
    • 2021 – date, Professor, UAB
  • Select Publications
    • B. Isom, D. Mantzavinos, Atanas G. Stefanov, Growth bound and nonlinear smoothing for the periodic derivative nonlinear Schroedinger equation, to appear Math. Ann.
    • S. Hakkaev, M. Stanislavova, Atanas G. Stefanov, On the stability of periodic waves for the cubic derivative NLS and the quintic NLS, J. Nonl. Sci. 31, (2021).
    • A. Ramadan, Atanas G. Stefanov, Existence and stability of solitary waves for the inhomogeneous NLS, Phys. D, 414, (2020).
    • Atanas G. Stefanov, F. Hadadifard, On the sharp time decay rates for the 2D generalized quasi-geostrophic equation and the Boussinesq system J. Nonl. Sci. , 29, (2019).
    • Atanas G. Stefanov, On the normalized ground states of second order PDE's with mixed power non-linearities, Comm. Math. Phys., 369, (2019).
    • Atanas G. Stefanov, J. Wu, A global regularity result for the 2D Boussinesq equations with critical dissipation, J. Anal. Math , 137, (2019).
    • S. Hakkaev, M. Stanislavova, Atanas G. Stefanov, Periodic traveling waves of the regularized short pulse and Ostrovsky equations: existence and stability, SIAM J. Math. Anal , 49, (2017).
    • A. Comech, T.V. Phan, Atanas G. Stefanov, Asymptotic stability of solitary waves in generalized Gross - Neveu model, Ann. Inst. H. Poincar\'e Anal. Non Lin\'eaire, 34, (2017).
    • P.G. Kevrekidis, Atanas G. Stefanov, H. Xu, {Traveling waves for the Mass in Mass model of granular chains, Lett. Math. Phys. 106, (2016).
    • M. Stanislavova, Atanas G. Stefanov, On the spectral problem Lu=lambda u’ and applications, Comm. Math. Phys. 343 (2016).