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Mathematics Fast Track Program LEARN MORE

(205) 934-2154
University Hall 4012

Research and Teaching Interests: Partial differential equations, Nonlinear analysis, Conservation laws, Shock waves

Office Hours: By appointment


  • B.S., Sun Yat-sen University, Computer Science
  • M.S., Sun Yat-sen University, Computer Science
  • Ph.D., New York University, Mathematics

I received my Ph.D. from Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University in 1992. After that I was a visiting assistant professor at Brown University for two years, and a postdoctoral research associate at Stony Brook University for three years before coming to UAB in 1997.

While at UAB, I was a National Science Foundation International Research Fellow in 1998. I received Oak Ridge Associated Universities Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award in 1998. During my career at UAB, I have been awarded three extramural and two intramural research grants. I was also a Co-PI for a conference grant and an equipment grant.

Besides service courses, I regularly teach Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations, both in undergraduate and graduate levels. In recent years I have also been interested in curriculum development in modeling, simulation, and analysis of phenomena in physical and life sciences.

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