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Mathematics Fast Track Program LEARN MORE
Stephanie Phillips

Instructor stephphillips@uab.edu
(205) 934-2154
University Hall 4054

Research and Teaching Interests: Coordinator of Basic and Intermediate Algebra

Office Hours: By appointment


  • B.S. Edu., Jacksonville State University, Secondary Education Mathematics
  • M.A., East Carolina University, Mathematics

Stephanie Phillips is a native Alabamian and began her teaching career in 2002 in Mobile, Alabama. Mrs. Phillips has experience teaching a variety of undergraduate mathematics courses, including Basic, Intermediate, and College Algebra, as well as Precalculus, Trigonometry, Calculus, Finite Mathematics, Mathematical Models, Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, and Math for Elementary Teachers. Mrs. Phillips has taught in universities in Alabama, North Carolina, Ohio, and Arkansas. She joined the Department of Mathematics at UAB in August 2022 as the coordinator for Basic and Intermediate Algebra (MA 098 and MA 102).