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Mathematics Fast Track Program LEARN MORE

Assistant Professor mmohebuj@uab.edu
(205) 934-2154
University Hall 4045

Research interest: Uncertainty Quantification of Stochastic PDEs (which includes Navier-Stokes Equations (NSE), Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), and other Multiphysics problems) with Fast and Efficient Algorithms; Reduced Order Modeling (ROM); Population Dynamics; Applied Analysis.

Teaching interest: Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Numerical Linear Algebra, and Partial Differential Equations.

Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 11:10 am-12:10 pm or by appointment.


  • B.S., University of Dhaka, Mathematics
  • M.S., University of Dhaka, Applied Mathematics
  • M.S., Clemson University, Applied and Computational Mathematics
  • Ph.D., Clemson University, Applied and Computational Mathematics

After graduation, I worked as a joint postdoc at the Virginia Tech, Department of Mathematics, and Department of Biomedical Engineering & Mechanics, where I taught mathematics courses and collaborated with faculty members in the data-driven ROM of fluid flows and soft-tissue deformation simulation. Then, I worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC) as a postdoc. At MIT-PSFC, I collaborated with the modeling and simulation group to build a robust Krylov space-based solver for simulating the magnetic field produced by the high-temperature non-insulated superconducting magnet in the SPARC tokamak which is going to be launched soon by MIT and Commonwealth Fusion Systems.

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