Explore UAB

Description: The CCTS and Informatics Institute work together to provide robust data exports from the UAB Medicine electronic health record as guided by investigator-defined queries based on experimental design for secondary data analysis and to enable prospective recruitment for clinical investigation. The EDW houses mainly data that are extracted from Cerner (IMPACT) to support researchers during hypothesis generation, feasibility, preliminary data, grant submission, recruitment, and analysis.  The EDW includes a wider breadth of data as compared to i2b2. 
Data Type: EHR, inclusively
Who can access: Designated Informatics Honest Brokers provide data to anyone based on policy.  IRB Protocol required for PHI or LDS data access
Patient Population: UAB Medicine
Results: PHI / PII HIPAA Limited Data Aggregate Counts
Downloadable: Yes (with assistance)
IRB Requirement: Approved Investigator-initiated protocol for PHI or LDS Datasets
Cost to Use: CCTS/Informatics Institute Supported; Budget in grants
  Log in to DataLENS

EHR, Electronic Health Record; HCO, Healthcare Organization; PHI, Protected Health Information; PII, Personally identifiable information, HIPAA, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; CTSA, Clinical and Translational Science Award(ee)

How to log into DataLENS:

1. Go to DataLENS at https://datalens.hs.uab.edu/projectexplorer
2. Log in using @uabmc.edu account if possible. If you do not have @uabmc.edu account, use your @uab.edu account. Please email ResearchData@uabmc.edu if you encounter any issue logging in.

Requesting Datasets:

  1. After logging in, go to “My Data Request” tab to create new request by clicking “+NEW DATA REQUEST” button.
  2. Fill out the data request form.
    1. Project Name: any data request needs to be tied to a project. If you have not create any project, you can create new project by clicking the [+] button.
    2. Select Cohorts: Please select your query that you ran in i2b2 that defines your cohort of the request. This is optional.
    3. Select Protocols: Please select your IRB number from the dropdown list if you are requesting PHI. This is optional.
    4. Title: Title of your data request
    5. Description: detailed description of your data request. Below key information are usually needed in a data request:
      i. Define your study population. (e.g. African American women over 50 years old with type 2 diabetes, white males diagnosed with myocardial infection in past 60 days.)
      ii. What data do you want on your study population? Click here for a list of searchable data variables.
      iii. What time frame should your data cover? (e.g. past 3 months, 2011-2016)
    6. Status: This is a read only field and the status of your request will updated when analysts begin working on your request.
    7. Priority: This is a read only field. Normal priority by default. If your request is urgent, please indicate it in the Description along with reason and justification.
    8. Assignee: This is a read only field. You should see analyst name when it is worked on.
    9. Frequency: How often would you like this data to be refreshed and delivered? It is a one-time request by default.
    10. Requester Name: Type in <Last Name>, <First Name> to search for matches in database. By default, it will be the person who submitted the request.
    11. Attach Files: Please attach IRB approval letter and Human Subjects Protocol (or EForm of e-Portfolio) if you are requesting PHI. This will speed up our validating process. For large files, please wait until you see an “upload successful” message appears on the top right corner of the screen.
    12. Documents: You should be able to see any documents you have uploaded previously.

  3. Click “Submit” button to complete request creation process. If you have attached files, please make sure you see the “upload successful” message before you click “Submit” button. This will prevent loss of the attachments.
  4. Our analysts will process your request in the order of it is received. You may check the Status in your request. Once completed, the dataset files will be delivered in the “Clinical Datasets” tab.

How to get help:

Please email ResearchData@uabmc.edu if you encounter any issue logging in and use this registration form for data requests should you need it.