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Description: The N3C initiative creates a national, centralized, secure portal for COVID-19 research via secondary data analysis of clinical data.  N3C is a partnership among several HHS agencies, the CTSA program, and the distributed clinical data networks PCORnet, OHDSI, ACT/i2b2, and TriNetX.
Data Type: Structured data related to COVID-19 (e.g., labs, meds, procedures, billing codes)COVID-19 related data (variable list continues to grow):•     Person demographics (date of birth, gender, race, ethnicity)•     Location (county, state, zip)•     Observations (subject history including smoking status, alcohol)•     Death (date of death)•     Complete Visit History (begin and end dates, Inpatient/Outpatient)•     History of Prescriptions (begin and end dates, doses, drug)•     History of Device Exposure (X-rays, CT Scans, etc)•     Condition Occurrences (All ICD9, ICD10 codes)•     Measurement Histories (A1C, Glucose, Blood Pressure, Weight, BMI, Creatinine, etc)
Who can access: UAB Faculty, Staff and ***participating Institutions
Patient Population: UAB + over 50 HCOs
Results: HIPAA Limited Data Aggregate Counts
Downloadable: No
IRB Requirement: Approved Investigator-initiated protocol
Cost to Use: No Charge
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View an Event Recording with Successful N3C Use Cases

For access and/or questions: Matt Wyatt

EHR, Electronic Health Record; HCO, Healthcare Organization; PHI, Protected Health Information; PII, Personally identifiable information, HIPAA, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; CTSA, Clinical and Translational Science Award(ee)
*** Institutions listed on the N3C website https://covid.cd2h.org/enclave_DUA_signatories