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(205) 934-2487

During the hurricane season, our concern in the Birmingham area is not storm surge but rather the effects of tornadoes as they make landfall.

As hurricanes impact the coastal communities directly with storm surge, flooding, and high winds, inland communities such as Birmingham and surrounding areas face spin-off tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, lightning, and flooding. People are killed and lives are changed forever due to the effects of hurricanes on inland communities.

Hurricanes can bring weather that may cut your power off and contaminate your drinking water. They can also create a scenario that would force you to evacuate your home and community. Emergency workers may not be able to access your community if it were to be impacted by the effects of hurricanes.

Are you prepared for these types of stressful events? The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Department of Homeland Security have prepared resources to help people prepare for hurricanes and aid in their awareness. The same information can be used to prepare for other emergency response events.

NOAA: Hurricane Preparedness - Be Ready
Hurricanes at ready.gov

Updated weather information will be announced via:

WBHM FM 90.3

UAB Bad Weather hotline: 934-2165