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Indiana University

Indiana O’Brien Center Future Scientist Summer:

This program hosts 3 students at different levels of training (High school, Graduate, Med student). The program is a six week, three-pronged vertical (near-peer) mentoring program designed to create a pipeline of next-generation kidney investigators. It is conducted under the supervision and mentorship of IU O’Brien Center investigators. The group will meet weekly for lab meetings and attend a summer lectures series on various aspects of kidney physiology and kidney research with clinical applications emphasized. Further, students will spend time observing clinical aspects of nephrology to appreciate bench-to-beside connections. At the conclusion of the program, students will give an oral presentation of their final project to members of the IU Nephrology Division and in some instances to the wider scientific community at the Indiana University School of Medicine to help foster enthusiasm and confidence in the student participants.

Indiana O’Brien Center High School Career Exploration and Research Immersion Program:

This additional program exposes 6 high school students from local low-income families to valuable research experiences in Nephrology.  The program is a 6-week program of practical research experience, laboratory, and holistic mentoring. These students receive weekly  enrichment curriculum (interactive, didactic) in translational research, all focused on the kidney for rising high school students. The goal of this immersion experience is to stimulate young learners to pursue careers in biomedical and translational research focused on the kidney.

Johns Hopkins

Johns Hopkins High School Scholars: Summer Academic Research Experience (SARE) 


  • Expose scholars to a strong supportive academic environment
  • Drive students forward academically 
  • Teach a high standard of professionalism
  • Inspire confidence through achievement


8-week summer internships for scholars primarily, but not exclusively, from Baltimore

Priority given to scholars from socioeconomically under-resourced backgrounds

Johns Hopkins Careers in Science and Medicine Summer Internship Program (CSM SIP) 


  • Provide mentored research experience
  • Expose scholars to healthcare professionals through ‘A Day in the Life of a Specialist’
  • Develop increasing skills and greater independence
  • Build list of accomplishments (e.g. co-author a paper)

Students are recruited through a highly competitive, nation-wide search

University Michigan

Michigan George O'Brien Kidney Center Summer Student Program


The University of Michigan Kidney Translational Core Center Student Training Program in Kidney Disease is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Undergraduate and medical students are invited to apply.

Beginning in June 2024, this 4-6 week program allows students to come in-person to the labs to conduct research under the direction of established scientists in the areas of basic, systems biological, translational, clinical or health services research in kidney disease. Program participants will receive stipends per NIH guidelines.

Northwestern University

Northwestern Sci-High Program


The SciHigh Summer Program, organized by the Northwestern University George O'Brien Kidney Research Core Center (NUGoKidney), is dedicated to discovering and guiding highly motivated students who have a keen interest in science. The program offers valuable resources and learning opportunities to prepare students for future careers in the field of science and research.

Designed as a comprehensive seven-week immersive enrichment experience, the program aims to equip students with practical research skills and foster their self-assurance to excel in the realm of science and research. The centerpiece of this initiative is the research internship, where high school students actively contribute to projects under the expert guidance of experienced scientists and researchers. To ensure a fruitful and personalized experience, students are carefully matched with mentors and host labs that align with their unique skills, expectations, and aspirations

University of Pittsburgh

 Pittsburgh O’Brien Center

 Undergraduate Students: The Administrative Core hosts a Summer Student Enrichment Program (SSEP), led by Dr. Kashlan that will support 5 undergraduate students for ten weeks of research each summer.

Graduate Students: Faculty members associated with the Center have a long track-record of training graduate students in biomedical research. Prospective students interested in Ph.D. training are encouraged to apply to the following Ph.D. training programs: 

The Interdisciplinary Biomedical Graduate Program (www.gradbiomed.pitt.edu), with an emphasis in Cell Biology and Molecular Physiology (www.cbmp.pitt.edu). 

Integrative Systems Biology (www.isb.pitt.edu).

Medical Students: Over eighty University of Pittsburgh medical students perform research during the summer between their first and second year. Dr. Kleyman is the PI of a T35 training grant (T35 DK065521) that provides support for medical students to perform research over the summer under the auspices of a faculty member. This support mechanism encourages students to perform research under the direction of one of our Center investigators. Students working in a kidney research laboratory participate in our renal division educational activities, which includes a series of lectures for our renal fellows that focuses on kidney physiology, pathophysiology, and disease management. They also attend a faculty-facilitated discussion on authorship issues, a practical talk about poster and platform presentations, writing abstracts, and ethical issues in research. The relevance of biomedical research is discussed, using a number of examples of molecular biologic discoveries and gene transfer in inherited immunodeficiency disorders, diabetes, and cystic fibrosis, to illustrate the importance of translating discoveries at the bench to the beside in order to improve clinical care and advance medicine.




This is an 8-10 week mentored research experience for medical students during the summer between the first and second year of medical school.  Funding for this program was made possible by a U54 grant (DK 137307) from NIDDK to the UAB- UCSD O'Brien Center and supplemented by institutional support. 

80% of the student's time is spent in the laboratory or the clinical research setting and the remaining 20% in acquiring the methodological training in clinical and translational research.  Trainees also participate in courses that focus on responsible conduct of research, the mentor-trainee relationship, scientific record keeping, data ownership, authorship, peer review, reporting results in articles, conflict of interest, compliance issues, scientific integrity, the use of experimental animals, and use of humans in biomedical experimentation.

UAB-UCSD KURE (Kidney Undergraduate Research Program) 

Participants engage in guided kidney-related research with a mentor and attend a variety of seminars and workshops over the course of the 10-week program.  Aside from time in the lab students will have professional development sessions and the opportunity to shadow some of our physicians in the clinic. 

We utilize the same application forms for this program as the Summer in Biomedical Science (SIBS) Undergraduate

UAB-UCSD PRedOctoral PhD and MD resesarch training in TEams (PROMOTE) program

Provides a curriculum to develop skills in kidney disease research by immersing student in a novel program of team training and career development of incoming PhD and MD students at UAB.

In coming MD and PhD students join an 8-week focused team project with a mentor team composed of PhD and MD scientists.

Washington University

WashU Summer Opportunities for Achievement in Research (SOAR) program

  • The WashU SOAR program is an immersive 9.5-week research program for undergraduate students interested in pursuing nephrology research and pursuing a PhD and/or MD.
  • The program is designed to provide interns with the opportunity to get hands-on experience in basic science research under the guidance of a mentor from the Division of Nephrology.
  • Eligibility:
    • U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents.
    • Undergraduate students enrolled in accredited four-year colleges or universities in the United States or U.S. territories.


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