Ellen Mwenesongole
Associate Professor
(205) 975-1914
UBOB 314
Research Interests: Dr. Mwenesongole’s research interests lie primarily in investigating illicit drugs in wastewater, illicit drug profiling to determine the origin and supply chain of illicit drugs as well as the health impact of bulking agents, adulterants and other additives in illicit drugs. She also investigates different types of hair and fibers as relates to forensic science as well as counterfeit products.
Teaching Interests: Dr. Mwenesongole has been instrumental in developing forensic science degree programs and courses in two countries. As a result, she has taught courses in various disciplines of forensic science such as hair and fibers (trace evidence), footwear, tire & fingerprint impressions, criminalistics, fire investigation, drugs of abuse, doping in sport, questioned documents.
Office Hours: By appointment in person and/or online.
Education:- BSc., Pure & Applied Chemistry (Hons), University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa
- MSc., Forensic Science, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
- MSc., Chemistry, University of Pretoria, South Africa
- Ph.D., Forensic Science & Chemistry, Anglia Ruskin University, United Kingdom
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Select Publications
- Mthembi, P. M., Mwenesongole, E. M., & Cole, M. D., 2021. A validated method for the analysis and profiling of ‘nyaope’ using gas chromatography – mass spectrometry. South African Journal of Science, 117(11/12). https://doi.org/10.17159/sajs.2021/8738.
- Mthembi, P.M., Mwenesongole, E.M., Cole, M.D., 2019. Chemical profiling of the street cocktail drug ‘nyaope’ in South Africa using GC–MS II: Stability studies of the cannabinoid, opiate and antiretroviral components during sample storage. Forensic Science International, 300, pp. 187–192.
- Mthembi, P.M., Mwenesongole, E.M., Cole, M.D., 2018. Chemical profiling of the street cocktail drug ‘nyaope’ in South Africa using GC-MS I: Stability studies of components of ‘nyaope’ in organic solvents. Forensic Science International, 292, pp. 115-124.
- Alula, M.T., Mengesha, Z.T., Mwenesongole, E., 2018. Advances in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for analysis of pharmaceuticals: A review. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 98, pp. 50-63.
- Mwenesongole, E.M., Gautam, L., Hall, S.W., Waterhouse, J.W., Cole, M.D., 2013. Simultaneous detection of controlled substances in wastewater. Analytical Methods, 5, pp. 3248-3254.
Academic Distinctions & Professional Memberships
- Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2011 – present)
- Member of The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT) (June 2020 – present)
- Member of the Society for Wildlife Forensic Science (Feb 2021 – present)
- Websites