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University Professor; J. Frank Barefield, Jr. Endowed Chair in Communities and Crime
(205) 934-2069

Research Interests: Community engagement, affects of the built environment on people's neighborhoods and crime, police law, computer forensics, and investigations

Teaching Interests: Policing; Research Methods in Criminal Justice

Office Hours: By appointment


  • BSBA, University of Arkansas, Management and Computer Systems
  • MA, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, Criminal Justice
  • PhD, Sam Houston State University, Criminal Justice

I am originally from a very small town (about 6,000) in Arkansas. I grew up on a beef farm. I am retired from the military, serving active duty and reserve for 23 years. After getting by BA in business management/computers, I joined the Army. I had an opportunity to go back to graduate school and went into criminal justice. That is when I found my passion for what I wanted to do in life.

I was fascinated by all the things I could study relatred to crime, justice, and how they interconnect urban environments (both good and bad) to influence how people live their lives. I have studied a lot of different areas over the years, most recently public health in disadvantaged neighborhoods. I came to understand the urban built environment is a complex system and cannot be changed by attempting to change just one area. This lead to my development of a theory of neighborhood change based on chaos theory, published in Justice Quarterly as my presidential address for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Getting my PhD was one of the best things I ever did. It opened so many great doors for me. I was called back to active duty after 9/11 and spent a good part of the next three years doing counterterrorism and counterintellihgence work. During that time, I also started doing computer forensic work. In sum, I have a fairly eclectic background.

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