For human xenograft experiments in mice and administration of primary human material not suspected of harboring a human pathogen, standard ARP handling practices for housing and cage changing can be employed, with the exception that signage must be posted outside the door of the primary housing room to indicate the presence of human-xenografted animals. The sign is available here. Printing and posting of the sign is the responsibility of the investigator.
If the material to be administered is suspect of harboring a human pathogen or if the recipient animals have been modified to increase permissiveness for a human pathogen, the project must be registered with EH&S for approval, and ARP’s full ABSL-2 practices (autoclaving bedding and cages prior to disposal and cage washing, use of an AUSI for cage-level hazard identification) will be employed.
For human xenograft experiments using non-murine species, the project must be registered with EH&S for approval, and handling practices will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
BSL-2 practices must be employed during administration of any material of human origin to animals.

Click to download sign:

The complete guideline for handling animals administered material of human origin as endorsed by UAB’s IBC can be obtained here.