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The Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) has developed a New Investigator Checklist to assist new Principal Investigators (PIs) joining the university. This Checklist is a tool for the PIs and Departments to ensure that all laboratory activities are properly established and approved by various groups. This Checklist may not include everything, however it is an attempt to highlight the more common issues/concerns that complicate and potentially slow down the transition of a PI.

It is always advised to contact EH&S at 205-934-2487 the moment a PI accepts an offer, even if the UAB start date is many months away. Getting all required approvals may take months. The checklist provides a starting point for new researchers to obtain approval for research activities at UAB. EH&S will provide proper guidance on regulatory requirements and will meet with new Principal Investigators (PIs) if needed to introduce them to the safety policies and practices of the University.

Research involving the following requires approvals from EH&S:
  • Biohazardous materials
  • Hazardous chemicals and gases
  • Radioactive materials
  • Controlled substances (DEA regulated)
  • Nanomaterial
  • Select agents
  • Lasers
New principal investigators can find more information helpful in establishing their laboratories with safe practices at https://www.uab.edu/ehs/