University Editorial Content is a function of the UAB Office of University Relations.

We provide news and information to UAB employees and students to help create and sustain a positive, supportive and diverse work and learning environment in which all can excel, in keeping with the university’s strategic plan goals and objectives. We also produce other institutional-level communications as needed.

In addition, our group helps business and administrative units create and implement internal communications strategies to inform, educate and motivate employees and students to support policies and programs that are in the best interest of UAB and its faculty, staff and students.

A list of the university's Best Practices for Internal Electronic Communication is available online.

How we do it

We distribute information through several sources.
The eReporter — a twice-weekly electronic newsletter for distributing news, time-sensitive information and reminders to all UAB employees with a BlazerID. The eReporter is distributed through email (from UAB News & Information) before the start of business each Tuesday and Friday. It is the university's preferred method for bulk-message distribution.

The eReporter is a publication by and for the UAB community designed to highlight and explore the interests, objectives and achievements of UAB and its faculty and staff. It includes news of university initiatives and awards, innovative programs and research and employee profiles.

A link to previous editions is included is accessible by clicking on The eReporter logo in the banner or at Select the date from the pull-down menu.

Managers are asked to print and post copies of The eReporter for employees who may not have access to email during the work day.

Non-employees may subscribe to The eReporter: Send an email to and type subscribe in the body; an e-mail requesting confirmation will be sent to you. Subscribers may unsubscribe from a email address by sending an email to

The Reporter is the companion website that includes and expands on the mission of the twice-weekly electronic edition. Daily updates provide employees the most recent information available.

Deadline and dates: The deadline for submitting items for inclusion is 10 a.m. Monday and Thursday to be included in the respective next day's edition. Use the Request Publicity form at

You can help

UAB is a large campus with a great deal of activity, and try as we might we can't know everything that is happening — without your help.

Call us. Write. Email. Upload. One way or another, give us your news and suggestions for stories and photos.

And remember, the sooner you contact us, the better able we are to help you.

How to contact us

News and information can be sent to us in a number of ways:

  • 5 things to know about open enrollment this year

    5 things to know about open enrollment this year

    How benefit-eligible employees can prep for active enrollment.
  • Most teens with autism do not drive

    Most teens with autism do not drive

    This UAB researcher is testing a way to change that.
  • New class enters UAB’s leadership academy

    New class enters UAB’s leadership academy

    Meet the 20 faculty and staff selected for the fall 2024 cohort.
  • Genetic counseling is a hot career path

    Genetic counseling is a hot career path

    Meet four alums who work in the field at UAB.