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As required by State regulations, and a condition of the UAB Radioactive Material (RM) license, you must submit an inventory of your radioisotopes on a quarterly basis. Inventory submission is required even if you have no RM on hand. In addition, you must also document radioactive materials used by individuals working under your license. Failure to submit your Radioactive Material Inventory by the deadline will result in loss of ordering privilege or termination of your RM license.

Submit your Radioactive Materials Online

You must submit your inventory no later than two weeks after each of these dates each year:
  • March 27
  • June 27
  • September 27
  • December 27
You should receive correspondence such as this just prior to each inventory period. It is very important that your current mailing address is on file in our office and is as it appears on your license. The dates given are those for which inventories of radioactive materials in your laboratories must be determined. You will not be able to use your radioactive materials license (to receive or transfer radioisotopes, etc.) if the competed RM inventory has not been submitted online to our office. Be sure to maintain a copy for your records.

Radioactive Materials Inventory Receipt Verification

As you enter your data, you should see the entries compile at the bottom of the page. This compilation should serve as your confirmation.

If your confirmation does not show up at the bottom of the page as you enter your data, please call our office at 934-2487 to confirm.